Month: April 2011

The Liars that Doom Us and their Lies

Doomed! Yet another lie on which policy is set. I’m sure this story will make the front page of the Times but too little, too late. As for TV nooz… their days of calling out liars of importance are long past.

Doomed! Even more policy-making lies here and here.

Asshole: Republican flack David Brooks. Thanks, Pinch and Keller for allowing him a prominent platform. Guys: Your debasement of the Times is a bigger problem that online freeloaders. Just saying. Alienating your audience is always a brilliant business plan.

Asshole: Trump the President is a far bigger one than we even thought. (More here. Of course, it takes New Yorkers to dump on the Trump.)

(More here.)

If the Fed’s stimulus (QE2), at the end of the day, is merely for the speculators and cannot provide the necessary stimulus the economy needs, to say Bernanke wimped out at his press conference is pointlessly simplistic.

See how much Bernanke's corrupted Fed cares about stimulating the economy as opposed to stimulating the speculators who created the fiscal disaster.

Doomed! This is fact, Jack:

I have to say, even I thought that we wouldn’t make the same mistakes we made in 1931; I thought we’d make different mistakes. But somehow conventional wisdom has gelled into the view that the course of wisdom is to forget everything we’ve learned over the past 80 years. (Link.)

Doomed! Republican fiscal irresponsibility is being tested in the U.K., and it’s failing. Onward to America!

Doomed! More lies setting policy.

Doomed! Dead: The last hope for stimulus for the economy. Longer version here.

Disgraceful in every way.

American leadership:

How the deranged liars do it.

One Picture… The E-Z Reader Edition Returns

While those of us paying attention still worry about Fukushima Daiichi…:

(More here.)

Inside Fukushima Daiichi 1.
Wear this and be marked a possible terrorist (which I suppose is why I got an extra look-over while entering International Departures at JFK in 2007).

Doomed! Another policy-setting lie from rightist whores.

Racist asshole: Donald Trump. He’s gonna prove the way to the GOP nomination is by blatant racism.

Shoulda had this for Sunday…:

America Might Possibly Rise Again, Although it’s Doubtful

Reality check! It's been worse. Of course, you need an improving economy to reduce the ratio which, sadly, we aren't going to get.

Guess Obomba’s all ready to lynch Bradley Manning now. (More here.)


His remark was not intended to be a factual statement. (Link.)

Employment’s actual better in the dynamic Socialist States of Europe than in the U.S.

We’re no longer sick patients in need of healthcare but consumers, apparently. Think about it and you’ll realize how perverted an idea it is.

All QE2 would have actually stipulated was the speculative part of the economy, so work, doesn’t work, no matter. (Link.)

The state of the Union. Saw “Inside Job” Easter. Got me thinking awful, awful thoughts about the kind of direct action needed to turn this nation back towards something like normal.

Asshole! Michigan Republican State Senator Bruce Casswell.

Traitor. Future president. My least-liked Jewess.

Fiscal responsibility, Republican-style: There are no economic circumstances that don’t require tax cuts for the wealthy. (Sober qualification: Yes, I know it’s universally warranted because it goes with shrinking government. But when it releases excessive funds for speculation, you get a disaster — like 2008. So supporting cuts just to shrink government and ignore the economic circumstances — not a good idea…. If government must be shrunk, raise the speculators’ tax rates.)

The great thing about the Right: Being defeated and proven wrong never stops them from trying again. That’s why the Civil War hasn’t actually quite ended.

F*** Tennessee.

F*** Kentucky. See why municipal corporate welfare is such an awesome idea — just not for the citizens.

Just another reason Paul Ryan is an asshole. And a reason Eric Cantor is one too!

Weak moment of objectifying women, including the president of the former United States: Picture sitting across from this during negotiations.

Nothing Changes for the Better (Except Maybe in Laos)

Happy Belated Tax Day!
President Palin: Only a patriot when shes paid to be one.

Doomed! Not just because our pols are throughly corrupted but the voters are so ignorant.

TSA: Sick, sick, sick. And I’m sure they have achieved a super-high level of success in stopping terrorism with this.

Ever so slightly amazing who doesn’t pay taxes. Why, this almost makes the case for a McGovern variant on a flat, deduction-free tax with a zero rate or even rebate only for those with a fixed low income….

Can this young man truly be part of the best and the brightest if he just learned that in a corporatist profit and wealth-driven state, the best work for the brightest is asinine ways to make money as opposed to creating anything of real value or providing any significant service?

The crap that is “Ryancare”. A reasoned analysis here.

Prof. Krugman: “[H]igher taxes alone can’t resolve our long-run budget issues, because of rising health care costs, which will eventually swamp even a large tax hike if they continue.” A most excellent reason to maybe do something serious about long out-of-control healthcare costs. It’ll never happen.

Doomed! Just a reminder that while housing is in the crapper, which is too say a significant amount of wealth has been lost by the middle class, there’s going to be no significant recovery soon. Remember: The Republican “growth” in 00s was awfully anemic.

Doomed! Nothing like setting a destructive policy based on bullshit.

There are facts and there is self-promoting horseshit: The difference must be learned:

The disaster that was the S&P downgrade of US debt. Wait, where's the disaster? Click on the image!

Long time, no video. Here:


We went to war in the Nam and this is what we ended up with in our “defeat”*:

(*Attention defeat-obsessed conservatives: Looks like we pretty much won in the long run, huh? What do the people lack now that they would have had if the nations in the region weren’t communist?)

Attention, Ben Franklin: We Failed

Leadership we deserve, leadership weve earned. He made his wealth with lies and abuses of the bankruptcy system. Why does he not deserve to be president of modern America?

What I’ve been saying forever — this is the awful endgame we’re failing to stop at the cost of our nation:

It’s not nice to say this (but the truth is rarely nice): whatever they may say, Republicans are not concerned, above all, about the deficit. In fact, it’s not clear that they care about the deficit at all; they’re trying to use deficit concerns to push through their goal of dismantling the Great Society and if possible the New Deal; they have stated explicitly that they want to reduce taxes on high incomes to pre-New-Deal levels. And it’s an article of faith on their part that low taxes have magical effects on the economy.

Obama believes that the major social insurance programs are a good thing, and has extended them with health reform. Some of the best-known research by his chief economist is his work debunking claims that tax cuts for the rich pay for themselves. (Link.)

And this is what America has come to. (Gobs of raw data here.)

Larry Summers (also a certified asshole) proves his unfitness to be a leader, specially in these times. Felix Salmon:

Summers, of course, has made very good money for himself from financial innovation — over $5 million for one day’s work per week from hedge fund DE Shaw in 2008 alone. And he has lost vast amounts of other people’s money using financial innovation: $1 billion of Harvard’s cash, to be precise, lost in misadventures with things called forward-start interest rate swaps.

Doomed! By lying whores.

See how Jamie Dimon and Chase are screwing us.

The presumption of innocence still exists for lying, thieving Big Banks and their loan servicers.

It just keeps getting uglier in Arizona. And Florida is vile in its own way too.

President Palin claims that Wisconsin “won”. Won what? Record hatefulness? Institutionalized corruption?

[Rerun but too sweet not to repeat:] The Washington Post Company: Corporate Welfare Queen. Without government handouts, it’d be nothing.

Happy Days are… Somewhere….

Traitor. Asshole. Our next president. Needs a batting.
Still: Traitor. Asshole. Our next president.
Shameful how we raise taxes on our wealthiest citizens.

Why is America in the toilet? Because of leaders like this guy:

Doomed! Prof. Krugman left out those who pontificate without caring to know what they’re actually talking about.

Doomed! The Republican effort to increase out of control healthcare costs. (A GOP win-win: Bankrupt the government a little, send a little windfall to their true supporters in Big Business — and leave everyone else worse off.)

See the wealth of the 99% disappear....

Cute how the Big Media forgot or can’t accept that the Heritage Foundation is simply a horseshit factory and offers nothing of any greater value. Always was, still is.

Wow, looks like we have the worlds greatest tax burden. Well, a fact or two wont set Our Leaders straight....

Hey, look! Medicare just got hit with it’s first mortal wound! Anyone really think the Dems can prevent it’s death now?

It couldnt hurt.

Special E-Z Read Post!

"You will believe everything in this post because it's all true!"
You can see the powerful job growth fueling a powerful recovery. Just not in reality. Click on the image for a little reality.
There's a reason Republicans get dissed here and in my circle as dumb. Here, they're more against Medicare cuts than Dems than deliriously vote in people who slave against their interests. Pretty dumb to me. Actually, stupid. Or kinda retarded. Click on the image for more.

What will we tell the People? That socialized medicine is accomplishing what private sector healthcare isn’t?

Paul Ryan’s lies exposed.

Your Pride in America Restored Yet? Or Do You Just Need Another Fiscally Irresponsible Tax Cut and More People Living on the Streets?

The Ryan plan: Fiscal responsibility:

1. Savage cuts in programs that help the needy, amounting to about $3 trillion over the next decade.

2. Huge tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy, also amounting to about $3 trillion over the next decade.

That is, no savings, just treating the poor like garbage for the additional benefit of a fraction of the 1%.


3. “Base broadening” that makes those tax cuts revenue neutral. Ryan hasrefused to name a single tax preference that he would, in fact, be willing to get rid of; all he and his party do is keep repeating “revenue-neutral” in the hope that people believe them.

4. Unspecified cuts in spending outside Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security that would shrink the government — including defense! — back to 1920s levels.

5. Replacing Medicare with vouchers that would leave most seniors unable to afford insurance.

You read crap like this and you might think the Big Media is pathologically detached from reality. Well, it’s clear which role the Media have in “The Emperor’s New Clothes”….

Read this now! Obomba’s Big Fail for Wednesday, 4/13! It’s the worst possible time economically to cut debt. But thank God Barry Obomba is president.

Criminal recividism on the rise. Well, duh; always is in a down economy. And where else would they go on release into the current economy but back to the Big House?



Get Out the Surveyor’s Marks!


Doomed! Because mainstream economics is in a Dark Age — dark because knowledge is forgotten or disregarded and idiocy reigns.

Doomed! Prof. Krugman’s reality check:

[I]t looks from here as if the president’s idea of how to bargain is to start by negotiating with himself, making pre-emptive concessions, then pursue a second round of negotiation with the G.O.P., leading to further concessions.


[B]y caving in so completely on the first round, Mr. Obama set a baseline for even bigger concessions over the next few months.


Among other things, the latest budget deal more than wipes out any positive economic effects of the big prize Mr. Obama supposedly won from last December’s deal, a temporary extension of his 2009 tax cuts for working Americans. And the price of that deal, let’s remember, was a two-year extension of the Bush tax cuts, at an immediate cost of $363 billion, and a potential cost that’s much larger — because it’s now looking increasingly likely that those irresponsible tax cuts will be made permanent.

More broadly, Mr. Obama is conspicuously failing to mount any kind of challenge to the philosophy now dominating Washington discussion — a philosophy that says the poor must accept big cuts in Medicaid and food stamps; the middle class must accept big cuts in Medicare (actually a dismantling of the whole program); and corporations and the rich must accept big cuts in the taxes they have to pay. Shared sacrifice!

I’m not exaggerating. The House budget proposal that was unveiled last week — and was praised as “bold” and “serious” by all of Washington’s Very Serious People — includes savage cuts in Medicaid and other programs that help the neediest, which would among other things deprive 34 million Americans of health insurance. It includes a plan to privatize and defund Medicare that would leave many if not most seniors unable to afford health care. And it includes a plan to sharply cut taxes on corporations and to bring the tax rate on high earners down to its lowest level since 1931.

The nonpartisan Tax Policy Center puts the revenue loss from these tax cuts at $2.9 trillion over the next decade. House Republicans claim that the tax cuts can be made “revenue neutral” by “broadening the tax base” — that is, by closing loopholes and ending exemptions. But you’d need to close a lot of loopholes to close a $3 trillion gap; for example, even completely eliminating one of the biggest exemptions, the mortgage interest deduction, wouldn’t come close. And G.O.P. leaders have not, of course, called for anything that drastic. I haven’t seen them name any significant exemptions they would end.


[T]he nation wants — and more important, the nation needs — a president who believes in something, and is willing to take a stand. And that’s not what we’re seeing.

(Apropos the above: I know Obomba’s plan is to boast of crumbs, lie that the improvement in the economy is significant, and look saner than his opponent. Sure beats working to help this nation.)

Too late! Harm done!

I’m too upset to say anything about the coming Medicare disaster and the ever-worsening disaster of profit-crazed healthcare in this nation….

Silly Glenn Greenwald: There’s no profit in morality so the 1% aren’t interested in it.

Doomed! Because there are people outside of asylums who take this crap seriously.

Gosh, Time is putrid:

  • This is complete horseshit, wrong in just about every way. When Time shuts down, this level of crap journalism will be why.
  • Dear Time: Answer is Of course not. Why do you run such a stupid piece?
  • Time apparently hasn’t learned that the North has moved on since the Civil War and the South can’t let go because the crackers are stupid like that.
  • Why is this, Time? Because Republicans are troop and vet-hating assholes. More specifically, they believe empty promises are all they deserve.

Obomba Attacks Again!

Traitor. Click on the image to read how dishonest a piece of garbage he really is.

Prof. Krugman‘s safe bet:

I’m sorry to say it, but I expect the worst from the upcoming presidentialspeech on deficit reduction. OK, maybe not the worst; I don’t think he’ll call for privatizing Medicare, but who knows? But I do expect a lot of preemptive concessions to the Republicans, which will, as usual, be the starting point for further concessions.

Also, Obama’s recent policy speeches have, one and all, been letdowns, completely lacking the vision thing.

I hope for audacity; but I don’t expect it.

Hey, look! The Big Media fails on the Ryan “plan” (actually, not so much a plan as a simple line of shit). No one here is surprised by the failure, I hope.

The stench from Wisconsin just doesn’t stop growing. Our political Fukushima Daiichi….

Louisiana and Tennessee teach kids lies in order to raises the most stupid, ignorant kids possible.

Doomed! 1937 on crack! The budget compromise was a disaster. Of course, leaders with principles and balls would have told the mentally deranged in the House to propose a meaningful budget if they were in fact interested in a budget passing. But not Obomba, not when he can cave, further weaken the economy, and then be able to lie about it and run on a platform that he’s better than whoever’s running against him (which would be true, specially if you add “insignificantly”.) So. The Republicans won the first battle. Anyone doubt they’ll win the war?

Scott Walker’s version of fiscal responsibility: Give the last of the public funds to supporters as rewards.

How’s this? Tax retirees for income including Social Security above a certain level, with somewhat lower rates than for working people to encourage some early retirement, and thereby increasing employment of younger people? I mean, other than the fact that Our Leaders would never go for something like this…. (Link of sorts.)

Times’ only off by $30+ billion.

Great the Times is covering this on the editorial page, where it will be noticed, instead of the front page, where it can be buried and missed.

Guess it’s time to ask: Just how legit is the Kaplan business that supports the Washington Post and how much is essentially a scam to nab government funds? Bottom line seems to be WaPoCo is both a Corporate Welfare Queen and Media Whore, hence all the water-carrying. They know where their money comes from and it isn’t from the readers. (On the other hand, I think the problem is the Big Media are obsessed with the 1% and sadly, other than being our abusers, their interests are of little interest to everyone else….)

Progress -- further down the slippery slope....