Tag: Corporatism

Out of My Mind for 5 August 2009

Freed! From a couple of months imprisoned in North Korea: Comrade-journos (whih is to say real, non-MSM journos) Laura Ling and Euna Lee. (More here.)

Big Pharma’s deadly fraud: The story and the proof.

Sub-cretinous idiots with too much time on their hands and no sense; read about them and their stupidity here.

A tiny bit of justice: Creationist owner of creationist amusement park busted for tax fraud; him and Al Cap[one…. He would have paid his taxes, it’s just that God told him not to….

The shame that is modern journalism: a pathological refusal to deal in facts and accuracy, everything must be undercut to the point of meaninglessness. Maybe the MSM’s infected by this pathology…? And here’s another, related example of their inherent corruption and deliberate dishonesty.

America: It ain’t what it used to be (which I of course credit to what I call the Raygun counter-revolution*.) We’re ever more subsumed which is to say we’re ever more losing freedom…. (*For every revolution, there’s an equally powerful counter-revolution of one sort or another.)

What makes ours the World’s Greatest Healthcare System!

The GOP believes there’s no problem for which tax cuts aren’t the solution. Bad idea (you knew that but here’s proof.) Republicans: Only good if you hate America.

Cretinous scumbag: Orly Taitz. Can’t someone please shut her up since the MSM seems to find her newsworthy? And if you don’t believe she’s utter garbage, here’s proof.

Murderous Christian scumbag? Blackwater founder Erik Prince.

So, the next Mac OS has more pre-orders on Amazon than Win7. What I wonder: What percentage of PC owners buy upgrades as opposed to just getting them with new hardware as compared to Mac owners.

This is cool! (Warning: Site takes forever to load.)

Starting the Week (Briefly) Out of My Mind for 3 August 2009

Bachelors should be heavily taxed. It is not fair that some men should be happier than others. — Oscar Wilde

Scumbags: How they steal: The AP charges for public domain material. Hey, it beats deling with making a quality product so, you know, maybe its customers can actually attract new readers.

What a shock! That huge bank collapse last year in Iceland that triggered all sorts of other badness? Fueled by copious insider trading. And another “shock”: The banks are trying to censor the truth.

Asshole: Sarah Palin, not for threatening to have someone served with legal papers at the kindergarten where he works but for suing him for libel because he reported she’s getting divorced.

Professor Krugman starts the week by depressing us. Thanks a lot!

So 2 August was the penny’s 100th birthday. Probably more than what you want to know about starts here. (I save all my coins!)

The mother (and SFW) of all blowjobs:

God, I feel his pain:

My Day of Rest, Such as it is; Out of My Mind for 1 August 2009

He who finds a thought that enables him to obtain a slightly deeper glimpse into the eternal secrets of nature has been given great grace. — Albert Einstein

Amazing! A record company takes advantage of illegal use of a song not sue the infringers but to use the infringement for selling the song — and succeeds wildly! (More here.) Again, infringement does no significant harm — anymore than free listens on radio or TV — and can actually increase sales. Someday, the recording industry may yet rediscover reality and give up its senseless, trouble-making beliefs….

Assholes and cretins: Apparently, the majority of don’t accept that Obama was born in the U.S.

Assholes and scumbags: East Hampton won’t expand its library’s children’s room for fear of poor children (from where?) using it.

Lying cocksucker: Rush Limbo: Threatens to move out of New York, still there. Please, Rush, leave our city, please!

See how dead racism is.

Obama does something right. Not terribly important like, I don’t know, stopping rampant, economy-destroying Wall Street speculation, but something…. Me, I personally would expect better from the Antichrist….

The public option: Dead again?

Actually, it’s worse over there.

The corporatist lawyers, how do they justify grossly disproportionate damages? Someone illegally downloads an album: $15.00 saved by the downloader yet an award of $80,000.00 is justifiable how? The corporatist lawyers have no problem with that but if an individual is, oh, say, crippled or killed by medical mistake or incompetence and seeks compensation through the court system, that bothers them. How do they justify that?

Another great American heard from.

What is the purpose of this? Why do the Big Media think that they can attract an audience by doing everything except what they’re supposed to do?

Is inciting a deliberate killing legal? And isn’t fair to report about the inciter?

Loving married couple of the day: read about themif you dare!

Where not to travel....
Where not to travel....

Perhaps someone can explain to me the difference between porn and this:

Damn Right I’m Out of My Mind for 30 July 2009

Mr. President and members of Congress, Al has a message for all of you....
Mr. President and members of Congress, Al has a message for all of you....

These rightist assholes want to use tax money to destroy my family and families like ours, who have adopted children from other nations: Families for Orphans Act, House Bill 3070 sponsored by Congresswoman Diane Watson (D-CA) and Congressman John Boozman (R-AR), companion/related Senate Bill 1458 sponsored by Senators Mary L Landrieu (D-LA) and James Inhofe (R-OK). Why the bill sucks is at the above link or here. Yeah, yeah, I know that the rightists’ support for family values is solely lip service, pandering to know-nothings. Still, when its, or at least comes close to home….

And the Foreign Adopted Children Equality Act (FACE Act), introduced in the Senate as S. 1359 (Senators Landrieu and Inhofe) and in the House as H.R. 3110 (Rep. Watson and Boozman), sucks mightily too.

Mr. President, a grateful nation thanks you -- for nothing.
Mr. President, a grateful nation thanks you -- for nothing. Making George W. Bush look less odious every day....

Barack Obama: Two-time loser. Refuses to fix the system that allowed if not enabled the global financial crisis and now has lost healthcare reform (assuming he wanted actual reform as opposed to a means to get more money to the insurers). I say real reform is dead. It’s not going to happen so stop with the hoping. (And yes, I’ll be as ecstatic as the morning after last election day to be wrong.) Elected with so much good will if not a mandate and has done absolutely nothing significant with it.

Fact: Medicare sucks fiscally less than private insurance.

Scumbags: Every so-called journalist who reports crap like this without prominently noting that the person they’re writing about is a complete hateful idiot unworthy of a public platform or the publicity they’re giving him. Too much fact for you, Mr. and Ms. Reporter? Then I don’t care if your employer goes out of business and that you never work in your chosen profession again. And this how low the so-called journalists are going, the scope of their failure and disservice to our nation. Really, who needs them? Not in theory but in practice?

You must love this: The sellers of crap mortgages make more money ensuring that the loans go bad than refinancing because of fixed fees. It’s the new profit: Just extort unconscionable fees. And our leaders clearly approve of this.

Corrupted watchdogs?

Oooh, EMI is trying to kill itself! It’s like soon the only way to get recorded music will be by stealing it….

The books you buy, the records and films you buy — why in God’s name should you think you’d have them forever to own and use and enjoy? If you believe (or think) that, the sellers say you’re wrong.

Oh, no!!! Reverend Ike is dead, and with him, a wee piece of my youth!

Don’t let the kids see this! The case for bad driving!

Thank you, global warming, the Northwest Passage is a reality at last!

Why people find assholes so credible. You too can be Bill O’Reilly or Rush or Glenn Beck.

Douchebag: If you had any doubts about Maureen Dowd, you’re right (me too). She’s well past her expiration date.

Racist cop asshole.

Assholes: The wingnuts and Lester Brickman have no problem with wasting court resources to enable a company’s advertising claims. They just don’t want courts used for, oh, individuals’ redress.

Sad but all true....
Sad but all true....
Looksl like they didnt have no Dont ask, dont tell during the Civil War....
Looks like they didn't have no "Don't ask, don't tell" during the Civil War....

Syfy. WTF? How stupid does one have to be to come up with that stupidity and to sign off on it? And what’s the pay? That kind of stupidity is endemic (fallout from the Raygun era)….

Click on the image for the full story. Me, I have to find a place that sells this fine product.

Uhh, not really....
Uhh, not really....

Still Here :( Out of My Mind for 29 July 2009

Just realized this morning I’m somewhat more than just an agregator, sometimes.

Normally, the humor goes at the bottom, but….

The man who has never been flogged has never been taught. — Menander

This woman has it wrong. Sarah Palin, by and by, wasn’t the victim of sexism so much as the victim of the fact that she was deliriously stupid, the dumbest pol sine Danny Quayle — who got slammed by the press just for being stupid and no more. No, without some proof that Palin was slammed for being a woman as opposed to a fucking scary choice for V.P., fugedaboutit. She was slammed solely on the merits. Besides, the guys slamming her weren’t doing because of sexism; to the contrary, they were having sex fantasies about her.

Cretins and assholes: Not the guy selling the idiotic line of shit about suffering from an allergy to WiFi exposure but the professional Big Media journalists who buy his line of shit without thinking to confirm whether it’s even possible to have an allergy to WiFi.

Watch the idiots run:

China’s latest attack on freedom.

Thanks to advertising, we learned that radioactivity is okay because we’re all radioactive anyway.

Really, just how stupid are the wingnut pundits? Can anyone say crap like O’Reilly does here and really believe it? And if they are so stupid or knowingly say such stupid things, why do the Big Media stooges report it? (And another example is here.) And if you’re not going to expose them as liars or crazies, don’t even report idiocy like this or this and give the fuckers free publicity and spread their idiocy. And that irresponsibility of the “professional journalists” results in idiocy like this. I mean, my God, who needs mass stupidity in journalistic outlets??

GOP Stud and Moral Paradigm of the Day: Tenn. State Senator quits after being revealed as having extramarital affair with a 22 year old — after her boyfriend threatens to release “explicit” photos.

Cretins: The idiots who hired her without checking her bona fides and of course her herself. (Issue has nothing to do with her gender. Idiocy has been endemic for decades and transcends gender.)

Scumbags: How they do it; This chapter: Taking the reform out of healthcare reform. Warning: Piece neglects to go into Big Journalism’s contributions.

Assholes, cretins and scumbags(!): The wingnuts and our leaders who love and obsess over torture even though it doesn’t work.

Remember the other day, when I said the Kindle really sucks? It’s worse than that.

She gives herself some damn fine advise, you betcha:

Democracy depends on you and that’s why our troops are willing to die for you. So how about in honor of the American soldier ya quit making things up? — Sarah Palin

Still Here, Still Enraged; Out of My Mind for 28 July 2009

Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without. — Buddha

Scumbags: Bio-Pirates.

The world’s greatest healthcare insurance system: The GOP doesn’t want you insured, just to pay premiums and get no service or coverage. I’ll ask: Do the fuckers really believe this crap they spew or do they say it solely because they’re paid to? Congress no longer leads, they just shill for their paylords.

Lying scumbags: These senators who want to institutionalize the insurers’ refusal to cover and call it reform. Now, I wait for Obama to simply say he will sign no bill without a vigorous public option. Bets?

Cretins: To the Times, it’s front page news that texting while driving is really bad. (And this one is little better. Or this.) Tell me that any paper who can make a call like that is of any importance to the world.

Scumbags: The RIAA: More proof that all the theft isn’t actually hurting the recording industry. Still no proof to the contrary…. Me, I see all the “thievery” not so much as a free alternative to buying but as a replacement of free radio as a try-before-you-buy system. Me, I think it’s nuts that anyone would really think that people would continue to buy freely without being able to get any idea what’s on album, whether it’s anything they’d care to buy, that people would continue to buy deaf.

(The story behind that last video is here.)

Cretin: Anyone who could watch this and say Palin has anything to offer in any leadership position whatsoever:

Dead: Merce Cunningham. (Check this out too.) A leader from the time when there was an avant-garde, before the only avant-garde was among the speculators looking for new but insensible investment devices….

The dirty secret of the Kindle: It’s ugly to look at.

This is where I’d love to live (at least if I could get broadband). Although maybe I’d like to visit some of these places or some of these.

Is this the Last Post? Out of My Mind for 27 July 2009

All the negativity is getting to me….

Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night. — Edgar Allan Poe

Dope: This guy thinks the salvation of news papers is to prevent bloggers from copying (“posting”) articles or significant parts of articles. I guess the overwhelming majority of us who make little or no money doing this will somehow find the money to pay the newspapers. Clearly, the proponent is some post-Reagan putz with no comprehension or understanding of reality. Firstly, partial posts or citations sends eyeballs back to the original source. We just gave them more hits for incresed advertising and, God forbid, new readers or viewers. So shithead here thinks we should pay to help the producers’ businesses. Second, much of most articles and stories are rewrite of public events or the public record. There is, at the end of the day, damn little to protect. Last, I still like to think that journalistic outlets, ultimately, must serve the public good. If, as many if not most have been choosing to do, they decide to foresake the public good with their obsession with the bottom lines they’ve weakened, well, then, who needs them (and, yes, as a recent lay-off, I do feel bad for all the lost jobs)? If a paper doesn’t want to contribute to society, I say good riddance. (The link to the article that set me off is here but in view of the would-be savior’s anti-dissemination of information of course I must ask you to ignore it. It’s posted strictly so the curious reader can assuage himself that I’m not making things up.) Yes, by all means let’s further stifle the free exchange of ideas, like Judge Posner recommends in a piece that cannot be parsed because it’s over-writen by a non-expert steeped in ignorance of the subject for which he offers solutions.

Asshole and cretin: Prof. Lester Brickman: Third-rate law school professor, inept law school dean, and apologist for the corporatists, those profit-above-all unaccountable entities and destroyers. But maybe he and his ilk are right; the proof that we are second class citizens after big business lies in the fact that large corporations — the ones so dependent on worms like Brickman — are nearly never punished, let alone significantly for their wrong-doing while, say, a black male citizen can be arrested for trying to get into his home. But tank the global financial system? Less than a slap on the wrist — indeed, receive government handouts to get back to profit-making destruction — thanks to Brickman and his ilk.

We have the greates healthcare system in the world. Click on the image for the truth.

Does it really matter whether Congress is a Dem or GOP majority? The real majority is the do-nothing, greedy-fuck stooges of the 1%ers, our oligarchy’s elite, the corrupters, the destroyers of America. I assure you, the Founding Fathers are whirling like dervishes in their graves.

How to score: Join the GOP!

“Sick” doesn’t begin to describe these people. (“Demented”, or maybe “DeMinted”, is a start.) First, their kids must be taken into custody then the parents shot Tiller-dead.

Assholes: The health insurance industry whores who keep claiming there’s a medical malpractice crisis. (Well, there is — incompetent medical personnel who go unpunished.) As the insurance industry and doctors prattle on about it, there’s no such crisis. The proof is here and here and here and here. Incredibly, I never seen a scintilla of proof that there was or is any such crisis as claimed.

The way of the world....
The way of the world....

(More about that last video is here.)

God knows, my standards are low but I don’t believe this belongs on a news show:

Assholes, cretins and scumbags: The “Blue Dog” Dems. (Again, they’re why it doesn’t matter which party is the majority in Congress. The dysfunctionalism bought by the corrupters moots the issue, makes it irrelevant.

Honestly, looking at this I cannot fathom how the comrades failed in all their endeavors....

This Blog Now Returns to its Normal State: Out of My Mind for 24 July 2009

(More like the above here.)

When a person can no longer laugh at himself, it is time for others to laugh at him. — Thomas Szasz

Don’t take life so serious, son, it ain’t nohow permanent. — Walt Kelly

Don’t ask about my 23 July.


But where’s my escape??

Watch this and chill, the beauty of our nation.

Just do this.

Heroes, doing God's work.

Assholes: The UK version of the RIAA yanks artists video from YouTube for copyright — a video the artist uploaded for elf-promotion.

Like Cory Doctorow says, we should like, maybe love the Kindle. Except it sucks in a lot of ways, and these are the worse.

This is basic consumerism: Your bank fucks you, you fuck them back by shutting down the account (and publicizing it). Except for Wall Street, without depositors, they’re nothing.

Asshole: IKEA: their in-store customer service is like their products: cheap. Unlike their products: real crappy.

Cretin: This publisher cannot art direct a cover to a book.

Asshole: Whoever donated a land mine to Goodwill.

Assholes: California and Chase, the bank that rejected the state’s IOU.

Today’s lesson for our kids; fight the system.

Cretins: The GOP crazies and their water-carriers. Professor Krugman has  examples of the former and the latter.

She's not just cute. Click on the image to find out how.

An aged turtle gets lucky.

Monkeys in the News. ‘Nuff said!

Almost Anger Free! Out of My Mind for 23 July 2009

bunny burger

All tragedies are finished by a death, all comedies by a marriage. — Lord Byron

An intellectual snob is someone who can listen to the William Tell Overture and not think of The Lone Ranger. — Dan Rather

I’m living so far beyond my income that we may almost be said to be living apart. — e e cummings

For courage mounteth with occasion. — William Shakespeare, “King John”

Losers: Trying to win hearts and minds in Afghanistan by destroying — bombing — peoples’ livelihoods. Another “success” is here. (We haven’t actually made the country governable yet, have we?)


(More here.)

Historical asshole:

You know you always wanted to know: The truth about John Dillinger’s putz?

Learn how to judge women’s beauty.

There may be hope for my wife’s bitch, Lucy.

The ignorance of youth: Lots more than you realize.

The Rage and the Humor; Out of My Mind for 22 July 2009

The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary; men alone are quite capable of every wickedness. — Joseph Conrad

Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it’s cowardice. — George Jackson

It does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg. — Thomas Jefferson [not much of a Christian Founding Father, huh?]

Chaos is inherent in all compounded things. Strive on with diligence. — Buddha

Attention, wingnuts and the rest of the America-hating GOP “conservatives”:

He, who by good deeds covers the evil he has done, illuminates this world like the moon freed from clouds. — Buddha

Of course, when one provides journalistic excellence — journalism that matters — you can attract an audience even if you’re a newspaper.

Cretin: This WaPo putz has it exactly backwards: Cronkite left no legacy except nostalgia for an era of journalistic honesty and competence.

Assholes: The Israelis, picking on the castrated, impotent Gazans.

Asshole and cretin: Beloved Leader’s anti-sex abstinence policy increases teen pregnancies.

Indeed, why not increase taxes on Big Wealth when gratuitous, unnecessary cuts helped fuel the speculation bubble that brought us to this point in the first place?

Assholes: Whoever did this.

Essential reading: How to protect yourself from surveillance so you can excercise a little freedom.

His crime: Being black. Charges dropped but that's almost besides the point. Click on the image for the full story.

Assholes: Everyone who drove this man to suicide. But in an oppressive capitalist/corporatist state, I guess one shouldn’t be too surprised.

Man held for contempt for 14 years freed. (and yes, the sentencing judge: asshole.)

Boycott of the Day: Jamba Juice. They earned it. Some things are too sacred to rip off without getting smacked for it.

In 1933, the American advertising industry loved Hitler.

Delayed for hundreds of years! Medieval military records available online at last!

Good, healthy games for your kids that don’t require their sitting on their growing asses.

See how cool Shaquille O’Neal really is!

Dead: The inventor of WD-40.

Dead: Half of Peter and Gordon.

Just in case you need to know how to raise an ape in your family (warning: may be outdated).