Tag: National Insecurity

I Hear the Drums of Doom…. Out of My Mind for 2 August 2009

Everyone wants results, but no one is willing to do what it takes to get them. — Dirty Harry (This should be sufficient proof that this is not a knee-jerk bleeding heart liberal blog.)

It is better to practice a little than to talk a lot. — Muso Kokushi

Hey, it's the story of my life!
Hey, it's the story of my life!

Goodbye, Detroit....
Goodbye, Detroit....

We’re fucked: Geithner thinks the biggest problem facing the economy and holding back a full recovery: the growing deficit. In other words, the speculation bubble must be reinflated. And clearly, Obama is fine with this.

All America manufactures in significant amounts: Weapons. I suppose this is a direct result of all them Republican policies meant to restore pride in America…. (Actually, it’s worse than that.)

Bizarre! Fewer deaths in Iraq since the handover?? Of course, it’s getting deadlier for our troops in Afghanistan….

Let me see if I’m clear: People are required to buy health insurance, with no meaningful public option and toothless so-called reforms of the private carriers? What am I missing? It looks like an utter piece of shit. Or, more politely, a windfall for the insurers and, well, an utter absence of, you know, reform. Another mystery: Why do the Big Media feel any obligation to defend our dysfunctional healthcare system and, for that matter, the antipathy towards the same public sector involvement the other major capitalist states offer so, you know, we can compete? And has Obama threatened to veto anything without a legitimate public option? Of course not, and that’s why there’ll be no reform, just an insurer windfall bill, just an exacerbation of all of the problem with the current system…. The best opportunity we’ll see, pissed away by a lazy leader…. Of course, getting re-elected is the most important thing to him, not doing anything for the voters. Re-election gets him a payoff bigger than Clinton’s. Now if he instead gets Jimmy Cartered….

(More info regarding that video is here.)

Matt Taibbi wrote an obit for genuine health insurance reform. Short version: Significant majority + popular president + desperate need + overwhelming public support = failure to act. But then, this is the same leadership who believes that all that is needed for economic recovery is to reinflate the speculation bubble. They are so wrong; if they were right, the economy wouldn’t have collapsed in the first place. Meanwhile, this congressman suffers a hallucination regarding a proper system.

Fuck corporate and corporatist news. Who needs it? Greenwald explains via the latest failing.

Gee, the Tennenbaum case looks like it was majorly fucked. This is how it should have gone down (and resulting in a verdict in favor of the defendant).

Asshole cunt. Mitch Albom, a walking crime against humanity. I fucking hate people who feel the wealthy pay too much in taxes. Fact: Not in this country they don’t. (Now, beliefs are something else again.) And then the same fuckers believe those without can’t possibly pay too much in taxes.

A flacid explanation how the Times fails. Hey, Clark, five editors screwing up? Maybe editorial is dumb, lazy and overstaffed and, for that matter, the publisher and his beloved editor in chief have no clue what’s going on? Inexcuseable.

Our leaders got a toothless promise to do good from a bunch of mortgage companies that destroyed the housing market and a big chunk of the economy. When you read how thay all failed to perform, remember that they promised and keep supporting Obama because he got them to promise.

Assholes: Lobbyists (okay, the officials that whore for them).

Osama Bin Laden really was America’s BFF right up til 9/11. And thank you, Ronnie Raygun for all you did to empower OBL, etc.!

How California failed:

Here’s my thought of the day: All the bad stuff happening? All proof of what happens when you stop being concerned with the long term.

Really, why can’t one support conservative values while cheating on one’s wife with prostitutes? After all, hypocrisy, imbecility, deliberate lying — aren’t those modern conservative values?

Reader’s Digest believes a joke about a woman beaten to death with a golf club is suitable.

I like this: “Defeatocrats”:

Meanwhile, the GOP got a new theme song.

Flash: It’s the white people that are oppressed and the victims of racism. The proof is here.

Proof that Christ is not the son of God nor himself the Christian God. Sorry, Goys.

Read this and learn how to succeed in business.

Is there hope here/
Is there hope here?

It Only Looks Like I’m Angry; Out of My Mind for 17 July 2009

“Do not be wise in words – be wise in deeds.” — Jewish Proverb

(More re the above here.)

Assholes: Sotomayor’s GOP questioners.

Asshole: Jeff Sessions, still.

Assholes? GE claims to go green by releasing a suite of devices to monitor energy usage. As I see this, it means, I buy more crap using more energy to see how much energy I’m using. There’s real equipment that really reduces sage, but I don’t this crap as being that. It is a typical corporatist “solution”: solution in name only in order to be a profits generator and do absolutely no more good than that. Me, I’d slap solar panels or a wind turbine on my roof before I’d buy crap like this and know I’m reducing non-renewable usage significantly.

Assholes: The growing police state that is the U.K. (bet they wish they had a constitution and bill of rights now, maybe) and the lazy dopes citizens who allow it.

Assholes: Two more vile rightists identified here.

Asshole: Amazon; sells book, steals it back when publisher whines.

Asshole: The RIAA. Old news, latest is here.

Economic policy; the super-short version. Just read it.

The N.Y.P.D. updates to typewriters.

One of the first truths I learned (as opposed to the overwhelming majority of truths I’ve yet to learn or internalize) was that many academic superstars were not-terribly bright grinds. And now it looks like a number of them are just autistic (which isn’t to say they shouldn’t be loved or that they’re worthless). Flash: Academic stars without social skills won’t do the world as much good as dopes with skills. The best it can get you is the mixed blessing of Windows.

Soon-to-be ex-Gov. Sarah Palin, did you cause this?

Prof. Krugman is wrong about this because the Big Media has not yet gotten the message.

An Apple fanboy, choked up….

Recipe of the day: Put your day-long parked vehicle to good use, take advantage of it to save energy and come out from the office to a yummy fresh treat.

I’m Not Mad, I’m Just Out of My Mind for 15 July 2009


Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill. — Buddha

Going out of business is the least that should happen to these assholes.

Assholes: John Yoo and the brainless idiots who think he deserves a pulpit for his lies. Again, Philly Inky, please to explain why anyone would want to pay to read shit like Yoo (other than the few remaining people who still Rick Santorum is anything more than a nutjob).

Assholes: The C Street “Family”: They aren’t really Christian and, for that matter, they hate America.

Bobbie Jindal is an asshole 24/7; this just the latest and surely not the last. Idea for a game! Every time a wingnut says anything racist about Obama, let’s throw the same comment right back at Jindal. If he wants to lead his party, he’ll surely accpt the returned hatred.

Assholes: The ball-less pols who okayed tossing our freedoms after 9/11.

Asshole: If this soldier doesn’t believe Obama’s president, I’m sure, for the sake of our security, the military is well within its rights to have him confined to a mental facility, where, I’m sure, he’d be happy to spending his days jerking off to Sarah  Palin fantasies.

Idiots: Obama only talks but we’re led by dopes like these.

Visa will have its justice!

Assholes: Obama to America: Drop dead. And those of you still have hope. You still have yet to realize he doesn’t care about you. And here’s another thing the Liar-in-Chief is screwing up.

Assholes: The WaPo for giving Sarah Palin Op-Ed space. The idea can be rationalized but, at the end of the day, it’s just plain stupid.

Cheating: America’s true sport, isn’t it?

Watch and listen: Kids make real music.

Mr. and Mrs. Sarkozy know all this....

Almost as hot as Megan Fox....
Today's arts and craft.

Russian ass! Get more by clicking on the image.

Happy Birthday, Blogger-Mama! Out of My Mind for 14 June 2009

bush so long(Please note that there is no connection between today’s headline and the following sub-heads. Thank you.)

Asshole: Ricci, the poster boy for the discriminated against white mail got his job in the first place by claiming discrimination for not being hired because he was disabled.

Assholes: The WaPo fires all its health reporters, keeps health editor, who buys articles from other places to republish. So who needs a newspaper for B.S. like that?

Assholes: Beloved Leader’s Unamerican surveillance program was so top secret that it’s value was significantly compromised. Way to go, Bushies!

Assholes: The U.K.’s war against freedom.

Assholes: The Saudis. Any of them, all of them. I hate the Republicans’ submissive love of them. Let the get GOP be their submissives.

Uber Asshole: Sen. Jeff Sessions. Clearly, he has nothing positive to contribute to society. It’s time for him to go or, for that matter, “go”, in a Bill O’Reilly on Vitter sense. Just saying, interpret it as you will….

Assholes: Glenn Beck and the idiots and retards who watch him and believe in him.

Asshole: This Christofascist praying for Obama’s death.

Assholes: GOP racists. New flash for the GOP: America is now integrated and there are, no thanks to you, equal rights for all.

Assholes: Michael Jackson’s doctors. Celebrity doctors — hate ’em. (Where’s the reality show??)

Asshole: Wells Fargo.

Historical fact: Thomas Jefferson was the last cool Republican except, of course, for Abraham Lincoln. (Actually, Tommy was a proto-Republican.)

Our leadership:

Then again, I suppose we can have this in 2012.

The greatest music video you will see right now, maybe all day:

This is cool!

You know fairs are cool! (More here!)

Patois from around the world.


To me, this is scary!

!*%@, Yes! Out of My Mind for 13 July 2009

I can’t stop the cursing and it’s a good thing! Fuck, yes, it is!

Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana. — Groucho Marx

Obama’s success: Obscene profits for Goldman Sachs.

Meet another wingnut sicko… God Help us….

Are all Russians crazy-sick? Watch this, read about it.

Learn: How to help ensure a lost wallet is returned.

Whistle blower: In case you don’t know already, chapter and verse on how the health insurers are destroying us for greed.

Meet the Good Guys here!

Again: Even by the low standards of the average pol, Sarah Palin is especially stupid, self-absorbed and fucking nuts, to the extent that, again compared to the average pol, she is unfit for office. She is good, however, as a poster girl for the complete and total irrelevance of the GOP so for that, she is a good thing. Example: her son is a Dem.

Another failure for homeland security; Or, what happens when the crazies are in charge. Ever coming up with new ideas to put us at greater risk and less free….

Everyone has a breaking point, so to speak (and no pun intended), where they say This is it, this is proof that society is deep in the toilet. This is where I say it; disgusting, inexcuseable, and what it says about American society is scary and disgusting.

How does the neo-police state that is the U.K. plan to distract people from their loss of freedom? By promoting orgasms.

The only kind of stimulus package the GOP likes.

I’m fully sympathetic to the reason behind it, still, Hasids rioting:

Leadership We Need, and Hope; Out of My Mind for 10 July

Beloved Leader couldn't have done this any better....

As Big Journalism implodes and collapses and stuff, here’s one asshole who deserves — well, as one of the terminated, it’s hard for me to say fired — let’s just say he’s well qualified to seek a new profession as journalism is clearly wrong for him, given his utter lack of perspective and ability to perceive and acknowledge reality.

What do you think? Don’t you think plagiarism is deliberate or results from some form of imbecility, neither of which is appropriate a professional, legitimate journalist? I mean, how the hell do you copy something unconsciously?

Whoa, it’s Jayson Blair time at the Times again!

By all means, let’s worry about closeted gays serving in the military, not America-hating Nazis (or, for that matter, Christofascist proselytizers).

Unrest in China: what it’s about.

Are we dead in the water, with no future?

You don’t get published via Kindle; you give Amazon all your rights for your work to be available on a Kindle. Sweet! Not.

GOP family values: Getting your parents to pay off your mistress.

Palin lies. (More here and here.) Yeah, yeah, what else is new?

Palin’s enablers. (Remember, the whole GOP loves her, don’tcha know.)

Levi: Greed, not insanity, made Palin a quitter.

IT departments of small amd mid-sized businesses are interested in Macs and iPhones. I see it as cost-cutting in the IT industry created by the shitty difficulty of maintaining windows systems. Ditching one IT guy can save far more than the expense of switching to Macs and iPhones (which we know works wonderfully with Macs).

Too big to fail, now too big to jail.

A single GM car outsells Buick and Caddy!

Another teeny piece of my past, gone….

Read: The autobiography of Professor Krugman’s favorite science fiction writer.

The comic book of the day is here. (More here.) Another funny book is here. Remember, kids, these are good for you! (Well, at least the second is….)

I can’t afford to eat here anyway.

Picture 30

Much, Much Mellower; Out of My Mind for 2 July 2009

We’re far less independent than we used to be, aren’t we?

So the guy in this video was worship by us lefties ’cause he said some stuff that we liked to hear, but then the wingnuts started bashing him as being a whacko or something — IIRC. But clearly it looks like he was on to something….

Direct action for the public option. (Where’s Barack?) Stop the presses: Looks like a public option is again a possibility.

Xeni got this right: essential reading; Taibbi on Goldman Sachs. I say: read it, then kill the fuckers (I of course say that the exact same way Bill O’Reilly would were he referring to an abortionist.)

I used to like Harold Baer….

Sanford doesn’t have to quit. He can hang around forever, an inspiration for contempt for the modern, Palin wing of the GOP….

Speaking of what the GOP has to offer the world: Rush Limbaugh, GOP head: Michael Jackson was murdered. By Obama. Gotta be pretty sick to give this asshole any legitimacy.

This is cool!

This is not:

My wife might find this funny.

Wankery is actually a good thing.

Talk about incest! All the world’s ants are members of the same family?

Who doesn’t love day-glo???

What we used to create art before the digital era, brushes before Brushes, as it were. (Then again, this guy adapted….)

God bless the Chinese….

See an obsession.

To me, cars just get better and better (and I don’t refer to the flacid Prius):

The blackest black ever? (Not a [I can’t say the name] joke, but black is my favorite color.)

Who doesn't worship Jabba??

I love the movie this is from!

Naturally Out of My Mind for 28 June 2009

I believe enduring love is primarily a commitment and an act of will…. — Jenny Sanford

National Insecurity Moebius Strip (pun intended): Comic book writer carrying script about writer busted for writing a comic about terrorism himself busted.

Financial gains from increased productivity brought by the digital revolution wiped out by gross accumulation of debt.

The world’s greatest healthcare insurance industry: They deny treatment, managing to keep 20% of premiums for their overhead instead. Remarkable! No wonder the fuckers are scared of competing with the public option!

The dysfunctionalism of Big Media journalism. Tell me, why is water-carrying essential to the commonweal, specially doing it for the destroyers of the economy and the America-haters?

Compromise (of course) sucks. So why does Obama love it so bad?

This is too sick to describe….

Christian fellatio.

Anyone explain yet why it takes a flight to Argentina and six days to implement one’s plan to blow off one’s mistress (assuming, of course, days of sex wasn’t needed)? Does anyone yet understand that the guy is clearly (if it wasn’t clear before), even by modern pol standards, too fucking stupid… — wait, I forget John McCain came fairly close to being elected, stopped only by a financial meltdown….

A thought: J.P. Morgan got his chance to save Wall Street and capitalism because there was no public sector to do the job. But what’s scarier about his one-man rescue operation is the mentality: Is there a Master of the Universe who would the same thing? I ask because there is no sign of such a person let alone the mentality from which such a person would arise.

If only this site has been obsoleted…. I’ll believe when I hear it confirmed…. And maybe men who initially turn down government money to posture and then wuss out and take it aren’t so much irresistible to women but rather must outsource their infidelities because no American woman is good enough or simply willing? I’m speaking of that scumbag, Sanford. I think he may well be dead politically because I think his wife played a crucial role and without her, he’s, well, nothing politically. I hope.

Read how Obama is reinflating the speculation bubble because, you know, it does so much more good for the economy than conservative fiscal policies and planning for the long term. I’m sure his failure is due at least in part to his fetish for bipartisanship. By all means, let the destroyers control reform of their abuses. Criminals get punished; no reason the same should not be done to the GOP destroyers.

Again, was there fraud in the pre-rigged Iranian election? For that matter, since it was already rigged, why the surprise? And do the neocons and other nutjobs who stole our not-terribly-rigged election 2000 be the ones to cry about any of this? (Last question was rhetorical.)

The quoted letter here is so pathological; it proves the complete lack of value to the public discourse of the wingnuts. Anyone who feels a need to go bipartisan with them… well, needs an immediate intervention.

This international joint venture is so gangsta.

Fair & balanced? No. Deliberately wrong? At least wrong... wishful?

Who wouldn't want to shoot these off?

Even More Out of My Mind for 26 June 2009

If you were alive then and a guy, you know there's nothing to add.


The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, nor to worry about the future, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly. — Buddha

So he confesses and cries like a baby. Where’s the taking any responsibility? Apologizing for lying on so profound a level, for the dishonesty? It’s like there’s not a single GOP pol with anything remotely like true honor and this asshole was nowhere being the exception. To put it politely, he was a posturing piece of garbage. But that goes back to when he was screwing his puta behind all our backs. An awful little man.

Internet radio host busted for saying (perceived) anti-Second Amendment judges should be killed. And Bill O’Reilly in regard to Tiller — when he’s getting his??

“Stars and Stripes”: Better no coverage than having a reader wonder about a reporter’s objectivity. Hate to tell them, but after this incident, the entire staff is suspect — and, indeed, always should have been. It ain’t the journos with the final say at “S&S”; never was.

GOP love the Saudis. They so love beating us up, ripping us off with high oil prices, making us protect them, financing anti-American terrorists.

That case the Supremes decided about the idiotic, inexcuseable, probably sick strip search of a 13 year old (so sick, the gender doesn’t quite matter)? It’s worse than you think because the fuckers would have gotten away but for the 13 year old who fought back.

There’s a whole bunch of national secrets in hard drives dumped in Ghana. Such security: no one can be bothered to do a true wipe of the drive before dumping….

Faux Bidness Journal (ex-Wall Street Journal) seems to be lead, in the twilight of the daily paper, by real wackos….

Why are facilities associated with rightist organizations and the such never bombed or attacked but lefty facilities such as abortion clinics and the offices of diversity organizations are? What’s that say about the right? That the lefties fail to incite their followers like Rush and O’Reilly do theirs? Is this some sort of proof that the wingnuts are truly sick, that they only condemn the violence after they successfully incite it? And Professor K got this right: The wingnuts will rise again, sure as Obama will re-inflate the speculation bubble. (And he’s right about this too but his periodic optimism hasn’t helped.)

It’s, like, so rare to catch someone thinking with any depth about anything big these days…. And, yes, that does pretty much explain how we got where we are and why doesn’t going to be done about. Knowledge lost takes like an eternity to recover.

Idea! Your computer downloads and forces adware on you all by itself!

Michael Jackson’s death means little to me — I mean, my world, already spinning at an accelerated rate, didn’t stop for his death (slowed a little bit momentarily for Farrah’s though) — but I do hope he’s finally at peace, His life, at the end of the day, must have been a troubled one, particularly the last five or ten years when he went from supremely talented musician and performer to gossip industry freak show.

I totally can’t figure out whether this is worth sharing….

Deliriously Unfocussed: Out of My Mind for 3 June 2009

The worst taint is ignorance. Destroy this one taint and become taintless. — Buddha

Today has to better than Tuesday. It has to be. I insist. Not that anyone listens to me….

The sad shape of the world:

Picture 27

Scoop (or should that be “Yet again”): Debt is destroying journalism. The utter stupidity of those with too much money… “Let’s by a profitable business then destroy it with the debt needed to purchase it….” Sheer genius; these must be our best and the brightest. Or maybe it’s just Reaganite anti-intellectualism (or “stupidity”) has fully triumphed….

Ooh, this is incredible!

Whadayaknow: Censorship works. As if the Media ignoring stuff doesn’t, you know, make people ignorant….

Thank you, Bill O’Reilly (more here) and the rest of his ilk: Those will suffer as a result of the Tiller assassination. This scumbag is rejoicing. And another:


Unfortunate: The Hummer is not dead. (The Hummer, besides unfortunately named, is the kind of money-losing vehicle Detroit loved to invest in in lieu of putting money in developing, I dunno, maybe something profitable. Maybe it gave Bob Lutz a big fat erection or something, and Rick Wagoner being an ignorant bullshitter just didn’t know enough to say no. A thought to be developed: Along with greed and stupidity, we’ve also suffered from rampant dishonesty.) Speaking of GM, I suppose the remains of the company should be happy that however little the gumint might be doing, it’s pushing the company to do what management could quite manage to do itself. Here’s hoping for the survival of the ‘Vette!

Another wingnut heard from. Why?

Need-to-know: Learn about private-sector spy MediaSentry.

Need some nukes paid for with our tax dollars? Here they are!

Where to go? Here!