Tag: Humor

Laffs and Surprises; Out of My Mind for 18 August 2009

I agree with that vile piece of garbage, Ted Nugent about this — but then, I would.

Another newspaper that won’t be missed. This is inexcuseable editorial ineptitude.

Actually, by and by, U.S. papers are pretty crappy. Read here what’s better, and what they should be.

I did declare meaningful healthcare reform dead, didn’t I? Obama did too! So who cares now whether it passes? The final bill will be garbage and probably will make things worse, certainly not better. After all, pretty much all that will be left will be compulsory coverage. That is, more people will be allowed to pay premiums to the insurers so they can be denied necessary coverage. It takes a sick mind to consider that reform, sick or a lying sacking of shit. Thank God, Barack Obama is president! And Mr. President, thank you and the MSM for reinvigorating the GOP: now needed more than ever. Assholes. Had the traitors on the ropes…. It was great giving a mandate to a Dem president so he could let GOPers and rightist Dems call the shots….

The public option: Back from the dead or did the House fail to get the news of its death?

Professor Krugman has his little obit for healthcare reform here. I only beg to differ on his point that Team Obama failed to comprehend the importance to progressives of a public option. Until proven otherwise, I believe, Obama personally doesn’t care. All he cares about is re-election and leaving office wealthy and lionized. Fool me once…. Attention, Mr. President: That’s one lousy reason to be president. The only way you’ll get re-elected is McCain/Palin redux because you’ll have a series of inexcuseable failures and the nation will be in the midst of the second dip of a W-shaped recession, thanks to your efforts.

This might be nice: The lack of a public option will may doom Obamacare.

This does worry me: How will the leftist journalism and bloggery  survive?

Wingnuts: Delusional. Liberals: Droning in denial. (And another example is here. You know, the market for bullshit has, like, eclipsed the old market for truth….)

The perverse genius of Niall Ferguson: Slammed for writing lead paragraphs can be interpreted by readers as racist, he bleats about his proof that the allusion was not a racist one wrong. His focus is, ultimately, on proving he isn’t a racist nor was the writing meant to be racist. Completely ignored is main issue: How did readers perceive the writing at issue. Ferguson deliberately ignores that to distract with his being. Well, I’m sorry, writings are, well, rad; a reader does not investigate the writer to double-check his intent and mentality, etc., as they read. It is this deep stupidity that is one of the things I so hate about the modern conservative. Or more simply, he is utterly dishonest, full of shit. As Professor K says, the turd is simply a poseur. Given his dishonesty, his intellectualism is shallow and false. Professor K provides an example of his shallowness, his willingness to substitute glibness for, you know, actual knowledge. Perhaps he can be sent back to his country….

Jeb Bush had his own bubble.

Proof that the wingnuts hate America.

Hotter than Palin (to me, at least).

Incredible! Most companies that back-dates did not get caught!

Let’s get justice for a genius driven to death by haters.

How to get high: Snort your money. Really. A possible explanation for the mania on Wall Street — it’s not just greed??

Let’s mangle us some English!

Now for a little topical humor for the young people (and young at heart):

I love this song, perfect Reggae-ish beat for the heat and sweetly melancholic lyrics:

Out of My Mind for 15 August 2009

Normally, I save the fun stuff for the end but this is too awesome; the world can wait a few minutes to go to Hell….

Professor Krugman agrees: even when the Times does good work, it’s often still somehow lacking, like this.

Another hypocritical GOP asshole: Chuck Grassley: Votes for “death panels” then, against them now. Reason for change: no better reason than to stop Obamacare. More here. Of course, it would help the debate if the Big Media bothered to make clear at all appropriate times that one of the big objections to the public option is that in a lot of states, health insurance is a political-contribution-purchased monopoly so f course the pols there are paid to vote against competition.

Speaking of which, how well does the UK healthcare system work? And it was created by a conservative “icon”!

To me, this is funny:

Boswell says the president told him “he’s willing to be a one-term president if that’s what it takes to get healthcare and energy reform.”

But will he be happy to be a one-termer because his services to Wall Street fail to really fix the economy? You know, like despite everything he does, instead of an L-shaped downturn we get a W-shaped one with the second valley coming around 2012? Four years of recession and near-recession and relative impoverishment usually isn’t a winning platform.

Coming this Sunday: Smackdown! Maddow vs. Gregory. The freaky looking white boy hasn’t a chance, unless he games the match….

Busted: Bob Dylan. For walking around a neighborhood looking for a house while wearing a hoodie. So maybe it’s not racism, maybe cops are, along with the rest of rightist society, just gtetting really stupid?

Awww! I love red pandas almost as much as “real” pandas….

Why So Happy? Out of My Mind for 12 August 2009

Assholes: Know-nothing pimps of torture.

Mexico: Really, the corruption permeates all levels of its society, doesn’t it? All levels.

What do we have? A statistical recovery?

The world’s greatest healthcare system: The the fee schedules are insane.

Cretins: The wingnuts, in the midst of an economic meltdown caused by an overly free market that cares solely for speculation, worries instead about affordable health insurance that actually covers stuff. The classic fear in a democracy: Ignoramuses riled up by demagogues (and “pundits”).

She’s so presidential…:

Karl Rove: Guilty! (But deep in our hearts, we knew it.)

That waterslide viddie? Faked!

You go, GM! Company’s first real innovation in decades!

What necessity mothers…:

Clearly, people used to have too much free time....
Clearly, people used to have too much free time....

What I’d love for my garage doors….

Wow! Rich drug dealers attract really hot girlfriends!
Wow! Rich drug dealers attract really hot girlfriends!

Starting the Week (Briefly) Out of My Mind for 3 August 2009

Bachelors should be heavily taxed. It is not fair that some men should be happier than others. — Oscar Wilde

Scumbags: How they steal: The AP charges for public domain material. Hey, it beats deling with making a quality product so, you know, maybe its customers can actually attract new readers.

What a shock! That huge bank collapse last year in Iceland that triggered all sorts of other badness? Fueled by copious insider trading. And another “shock”: The banks are trying to censor the truth.

Asshole: Sarah Palin, not for threatening to have someone served with legal papers at the kindergarten where he works but for suing him for libel because he reported she’s getting divorced.

Professor Krugman starts the week by depressing us. Thanks a lot!

So 2 August was the penny’s 100th birthday. Probably more than what you want to know about starts here. (I save all my coins!)

The mother (and SFW) of all blowjobs:

God, I feel his pain:

I Hear the Drums of Doom…. Out of My Mind for 2 August 2009

Everyone wants results, but no one is willing to do what it takes to get them. — Dirty Harry (This should be sufficient proof that this is not a knee-jerk bleeding heart liberal blog.)

It is better to practice a little than to talk a lot. — Muso Kokushi

Hey, it's the story of my life!
Hey, it's the story of my life!

Goodbye, Detroit....
Goodbye, Detroit....

We’re fucked: Geithner thinks the biggest problem facing the economy and holding back a full recovery: the growing deficit. In other words, the speculation bubble must be reinflated. And clearly, Obama is fine with this.

All America manufactures in significant amounts: Weapons. I suppose this is a direct result of all them Republican policies meant to restore pride in America…. (Actually, it’s worse than that.)

Bizarre! Fewer deaths in Iraq since the handover?? Of course, it’s getting deadlier for our troops in Afghanistan….

Let me see if I’m clear: People are required to buy health insurance, with no meaningful public option and toothless so-called reforms of the private carriers? What am I missing? It looks like an utter piece of shit. Or, more politely, a windfall for the insurers and, well, an utter absence of, you know, reform. Another mystery: Why do the Big Media feel any obligation to defend our dysfunctional healthcare system and, for that matter, the antipathy towards the same public sector involvement the other major capitalist states offer so, you know, we can compete? And has Obama threatened to veto anything without a legitimate public option? Of course not, and that’s why there’ll be no reform, just an insurer windfall bill, just an exacerbation of all of the problem with the current system…. The best opportunity we’ll see, pissed away by a lazy leader…. Of course, getting re-elected is the most important thing to him, not doing anything for the voters. Re-election gets him a payoff bigger than Clinton’s. Now if he instead gets Jimmy Cartered….

(More info regarding that video is here.)

Matt Taibbi wrote an obit for genuine health insurance reform. Short version: Significant majority + popular president + desperate need + overwhelming public support = failure to act. But then, this is the same leadership who believes that all that is needed for economic recovery is to reinflate the speculation bubble. They are so wrong; if they were right, the economy wouldn’t have collapsed in the first place. Meanwhile, this congressman suffers a hallucination regarding a proper system.

Fuck corporate and corporatist news. Who needs it? Greenwald explains via the latest failing.

Gee, the Tennenbaum case looks like it was majorly fucked. This is how it should have gone down (and resulting in a verdict in favor of the defendant).

Asshole cunt. Mitch Albom, a walking crime against humanity. I fucking hate people who feel the wealthy pay too much in taxes. Fact: Not in this country they don’t. (Now, beliefs are something else again.) And then the same fuckers believe those without can’t possibly pay too much in taxes.

A flacid explanation how the Times fails. Hey, Clark, five editors screwing up? Maybe editorial is dumb, lazy and overstaffed and, for that matter, the publisher and his beloved editor in chief have no clue what’s going on? Inexcuseable.

Our leaders got a toothless promise to do good from a bunch of mortgage companies that destroyed the housing market and a big chunk of the economy. When you read how thay all failed to perform, remember that they promised and keep supporting Obama because he got them to promise.

Assholes: Lobbyists (okay, the officials that whore for them).

Osama Bin Laden really was America’s BFF right up til 9/11. And thank you, Ronnie Raygun for all you did to empower OBL, etc.!

How California failed:

Here’s my thought of the day: All the bad stuff happening? All proof of what happens when you stop being concerned with the long term.

Really, why can’t one support conservative values while cheating on one’s wife with prostitutes? After all, hypocrisy, imbecility, deliberate lying — aren’t those modern conservative values?

Reader’s Digest believes a joke about a woman beaten to death with a golf club is suitable.

I like this: “Defeatocrats”:

Meanwhile, the GOP got a new theme song.

Flash: It’s the white people that are oppressed and the victims of racism. The proof is here.

Proof that Christ is not the son of God nor himself the Christian God. Sorry, Goys.

Read this and learn how to succeed in business.

Is there hope here/
Is there hope here?

Damn Right I’m Out of My Mind for 30 July 2009

Mr. President and members of Congress, Al has a message for all of you....
Mr. President and members of Congress, Al has a message for all of you....

These rightist assholes want to use tax money to destroy my family and families like ours, who have adopted children from other nations: Families for Orphans Act, House Bill 3070 sponsored by Congresswoman Diane Watson (D-CA) and Congressman John Boozman (R-AR), companion/related Senate Bill 1458 sponsored by Senators Mary L Landrieu (D-LA) and James Inhofe (R-OK). Why the bill sucks is at the above link or here. Yeah, yeah, I know that the rightists’ support for family values is solely lip service, pandering to know-nothings. Still, when its, or at least comes close to home….

And the Foreign Adopted Children Equality Act (FACE Act), introduced in the Senate as S. 1359 (Senators Landrieu and Inhofe) and in the House as H.R. 3110 (Rep. Watson and Boozman), sucks mightily too.

Mr. President, a grateful nation thanks you -- for nothing.
Mr. President, a grateful nation thanks you -- for nothing. Making George W. Bush look less odious every day....

Barack Obama: Two-time loser. Refuses to fix the system that allowed if not enabled the global financial crisis and now has lost healthcare reform (assuming he wanted actual reform as opposed to a means to get more money to the insurers). I say real reform is dead. It’s not going to happen so stop with the hoping. (And yes, I’ll be as ecstatic as the morning after last election day to be wrong.) Elected with so much good will if not a mandate and has done absolutely nothing significant with it.

Fact: Medicare sucks fiscally less than private insurance.

Scumbags: Every so-called journalist who reports crap like this without prominently noting that the person they’re writing about is a complete hateful idiot unworthy of a public platform or the publicity they’re giving him. Too much fact for you, Mr. and Ms. Reporter? Then I don’t care if your employer goes out of business and that you never work in your chosen profession again. And this how low the so-called journalists are going, the scope of their failure and disservice to our nation. Really, who needs them? Not in theory but in practice?

You must love this: The sellers of crap mortgages make more money ensuring that the loans go bad than refinancing because of fixed fees. It’s the new profit: Just extort unconscionable fees. And our leaders clearly approve of this.

Corrupted watchdogs?

Oooh, EMI is trying to kill itself! It’s like soon the only way to get recorded music will be by stealing it….

The books you buy, the records and films you buy — why in God’s name should you think you’d have them forever to own and use and enjoy? If you believe (or think) that, the sellers say you’re wrong.

Oh, no!!! Reverend Ike is dead, and with him, a wee piece of my youth!

Don’t let the kids see this! The case for bad driving!

Thank you, global warming, the Northwest Passage is a reality at last!

Why people find assholes so credible. You too can be Bill O’Reilly or Rush or Glenn Beck.

Douchebag: If you had any doubts about Maureen Dowd, you’re right (me too). She’s well past her expiration date.

Racist cop asshole.

Assholes: The wingnuts and Lester Brickman have no problem with wasting court resources to enable a company’s advertising claims. They just don’t want courts used for, oh, individuals’ redress.

Sad but all true....
Sad but all true....
Looksl like they didnt have no Dont ask, dont tell during the Civil War....
Looks like they didn't have no "Don't ask, don't tell" during the Civil War....

Syfy. WTF? How stupid does one have to be to come up with that stupidity and to sign off on it? And what’s the pay? That kind of stupidity is endemic (fallout from the Raygun era)….

Click on the image for the full story. Me, I have to find a place that sells this fine product.

Uhh, not really....
Uhh, not really....

Is this the Last Post? Out of My Mind for 27 July 2009

All the negativity is getting to me….

Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night. — Edgar Allan Poe

Dope: This guy thinks the salvation of news papers is to prevent bloggers from copying (“posting”) articles or significant parts of articles. I guess the overwhelming majority of us who make little or no money doing this will somehow find the money to pay the newspapers. Clearly, the proponent is some post-Reagan putz with no comprehension or understanding of reality. Firstly, partial posts or citations sends eyeballs back to the original source. We just gave them more hits for incresed advertising and, God forbid, new readers or viewers. So shithead here thinks we should pay to help the producers’ businesses. Second, much of most articles and stories are rewrite of public events or the public record. There is, at the end of the day, damn little to protect. Last, I still like to think that journalistic outlets, ultimately, must serve the public good. If, as many if not most have been choosing to do, they decide to foresake the public good with their obsession with the bottom lines they’ve weakened, well, then, who needs them (and, yes, as a recent lay-off, I do feel bad for all the lost jobs)? If a paper doesn’t want to contribute to society, I say good riddance. (The link to the article that set me off is here but in view of the would-be savior’s anti-dissemination of information of course I must ask you to ignore it. It’s posted strictly so the curious reader can assuage himself that I’m not making things up.) Yes, by all means let’s further stifle the free exchange of ideas, like Judge Posner recommends in a piece that cannot be parsed because it’s over-writen by a non-expert steeped in ignorance of the subject for which he offers solutions.

Asshole and cretin: Prof. Lester Brickman: Third-rate law school professor, inept law school dean, and apologist for the corporatists, those profit-above-all unaccountable entities and destroyers. But maybe he and his ilk are right; the proof that we are second class citizens after big business lies in the fact that large corporations — the ones so dependent on worms like Brickman — are nearly never punished, let alone significantly for their wrong-doing while, say, a black male citizen can be arrested for trying to get into his home. But tank the global financial system? Less than a slap on the wrist — indeed, receive government handouts to get back to profit-making destruction — thanks to Brickman and his ilk.

We have the greates healthcare system in the world. Click on the image for the truth.

Does it really matter whether Congress is a Dem or GOP majority? The real majority is the do-nothing, greedy-fuck stooges of the 1%ers, our oligarchy’s elite, the corrupters, the destroyers of America. I assure you, the Founding Fathers are whirling like dervishes in their graves.

How to score: Join the GOP!

“Sick” doesn’t begin to describe these people. (“Demented”, or maybe “DeMinted”, is a start.) First, their kids must be taken into custody then the parents shot Tiller-dead.

Assholes: The health insurance industry whores who keep claiming there’s a medical malpractice crisis. (Well, there is — incompetent medical personnel who go unpunished.) As the insurance industry and doctors prattle on about it, there’s no such crisis. The proof is here and here and here and here. Incredibly, I never seen a scintilla of proof that there was or is any such crisis as claimed.

The way of the world....
The way of the world....

(More about that last video is here.)

God knows, my standards are low but I don’t believe this belongs on a news show:

Assholes, cretins and scumbags: The “Blue Dog” Dems. (Again, they’re why it doesn’t matter which party is the majority in Congress. The dysfunctionalism bought by the corrupters moots the issue, makes it irrelevant.

Honestly, looking at this I cannot fathom how the comrades failed in all their endeavors....

Really, it’s All About Anger; Out of My Mind for 26 July 2009


God knows I’m angry (and a little bitter), but I don’t know that I agree with this.

That was then; it’s a new GOP-rightist, nativist world now:

Intellectuals solve problems; geniuses prevent them. — Albert Einstein

Maybe someday again… unlikely….

Assholes: The fighters of health care reform and the Big Media water-carriers who enable and empower them. Without the press, they’re nothing.

Cretin: The true Terminator thought he could govern California. Not with the cancer of Prop. 13 still in the system. But the rightist believer couldn’t see reality. Of course, one should include all the schmucks who voted for Prop. 13 and the governator twice, so I do.

An observation? Can this be true? Only banks that finance the middle class are shut down. Companies — CIT is what I have in mind — that finances small business are allowed to fail. Only the big speculative organizations that have corrupted our system, essentially destroyed our nation politically, are protected. (This is what got me started.)

Study the genius of Sarah Palin.

The criminality of being black: Shows you how times have changed or I’m so dead wrong: Of course, the cop was right to investigate a man breaking into a house. But short of the man seriously threatening the cop physically — harm or death — there is no reason to arrest him. None. There is no reason when in being caught in the wrong showing a little contrition. There is no reason for the support the fucker’s getting from his superiors. To me, all this is inarguably fucked up. The mainstream media seems to see nothing wrong. Indeed, when they deem Obama to be insufficient supportive of this cop (who has earned his ass at least a couple months of unpaid suspension), they beat up on the president. I realize for a large segment of blacks, this is normal. To me, as I said, it’s fucked up. Sick. Part of the Great Pathology brought us by what I think of the Reagan counter-revolution. And here’s why it’s still a crime.

Assholes: The Larry Summers and the putz that appointed him and allow him to ensure that nothing in a busted, screwed up system gets fixed. I realize Obama’s in this strictly for personal gain but being president and all, maybe he could get us a couple of crumbs….

Assholes: The greedy destroyers of the housing market. And this is even worse than that last link.

Why the public sector doesn’t work: GOP fiscal irresponsibility: going for the worse, most expensive solution every time…. In a normal world, everyone would ignore these sick, deranged people who have nothing good to offer.

Just shoot (to wound) these assholes.

Assholes [obvious]: The Big Media journos who fail to give the GOP partisan intransigence any significant coverage. That’s OK, dopes: Keep us in the dark, watch yourselves lose viewers and readers, then watch your careers end. Then, maybe, you’ll realize what you did, that that kind of lousy work earns the loss of a career.

Assholes: The GOP: Love wars, love weapons, hates the troops.

This person is still living in the era before the Reagan Counter-revolution. Then, a healthcare system such as the present one, where the accumulation of wealth is far more important that providing healthcare, would seem bizarre, wrong. Now, it’s the idea of a system that provides affordable care at the expense of profits that seems bizarre.

Assholes: The Times makes a martyr of Tiller’s assassin, cleverly failing to note how he was driven by decades of the rightists’ crazed screeds and that the same insanity ensured there would be as few Tillers as possible, and therefore a threat to women’s health.

Assholes: Big Finances’ government stooges who make it possible for thm to cook their books and dispel lies.

Dope: Charlie Crist, inadvertent Nazi-loving symp.

He’s failed on the economy, jury’s out only on the issue of how big the failure is. If he fails on this too…:

Here, a famous traitor makes a contrary argument:

(Didja catch that?? I was just more fair, more balanced, than Faux News. Hey! What happens to FNC when Rupert’s earnings shrink to the extent that he can’t support Faux and it must become profitable?)

Asshole and scumbag: David Gregory: the latest proof. For the record, he is both symptomatic of what’s wrong with the mainstream press as well as the anti-Cronkite. That’s why there’ll never be another Cronkite: Gregory and those who put him positions of authority won’t do it. They’ve proven they like Gregory’s dishonesty over Cronkite’s facts.

Cretins: See just the latest one here.

Asshole and scumbag I’ve never written about but should have, I suppose: Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.).

Attention, Lady Gaga: call Jackson Browne:

For those of who still can’t contemplate how screwed upon things are, the inexcuseable reason the global economy was tanked, start here.

Sad: India’s going to bust monkeys and jail them.

Speaking of monkeys, watch these.

Thank God for the Apple stores; without them, what would Micro$oft rip off for their temples of crap? See Micro$oft’s utter bankruptcy of any originality here.

Because I love Nikke:

Ooops! That last video was probably faked!

Now, Much Mellower; So Good a Post, When I Done Writing it, I’m Going to Read it! Out of My Mind for 21 July 2009

Three heroes and a disappointment.

“Ask about your neighbors, then buy the house.” — Jewish Proverb

“Don’t be sweet, lest you be eaten up; don’t be bitter, lest you be spewed out.” — Jewish Proverb

I not only use all the brains that I have, but all that I can borrow. — Woodrow Wilson

There are two types of people–those who come into a room and say, ‘Well, here I am!’ and those who come in and say, ‘Ah, there you are.’ — Frederick L Collins

Place to avoid: Freedom-hating Tiburon, California. And Baltimore is worse: They want to listen in on every conversation on every city bus and train.

Asshole (still): Amazon, but explained better and more simply.

Who would have guessed? TARP was a bust.

Assholes and cretins: Birthers.

When one says the rightist wingnuts totally do not care for facts, this is an example.

Assholes: The C Streeters, promoters of Christian adultery.

Assholes: Beloved Leaders and the rest of his American-hating administration.

Gee, I thought Explorer was an integral part of Windows. Yet another Micro$oft line of shit, apparently….

Click on the image for the story!

Awww! Woodstock lovers still a couple!

Creationist cretins: Shove this:

Welcome to the underclass!

Our most-hated bank: HSBC.

Reminder: One can still be arrested for being black.

But Professor Nabokov, what do you think about a remake with Miley and her pervy dad??

More about one of my very favorite novels ever here.

Britney wants to be a Jew. No thanks. we like you better as a shikse.

The following is for historical purposes:

As for the moon-landing deniers: Stick this.

This may (or perhaps may not) be the greatest music video you’ll watch right now:

My favorite Barbie.
Woodstock didn't have a monopoly....

Here’s Your Sunday Boom Boom Pow! Out of My Mind for 19 July 2009

(Blogger’s note: Clearly have been using “asshole” a lot lately. The word may offend but you know I’m right about everyone of them. Meanwhile, I’m exploring alternatives, just not today.)

What I pray for:

(More about that last video here.)

Read here how Big Journalism failed us on the inevitable financial disaster.

And contrary to the know-nothing, care-nothing water-carriers, looks like the stimulus is working.

The lies of the tort “reformers”. Truth is, there’s little to reform, just the elimination of punishments for wrongful behavior. Modern conservatives, remember, do not believe in facts. So when they claim to present any, you can safely presume they are in fact made up out of nothing, pure lies.

In the corporatist world, the destroyers get rewarded by being given the opportunity to make money by correcting their prior bad acts. Can you see what’s wrong with that picture? The wrong-doer is rewarded instead of punished.

Single video double-feature: Apollo 11 landing anniversary and Cronkite memorial:

Assholes: Bob Woodward thinks that attempt to peddle in influence buying and selling now makes WaPo’s new publisher qualified to be publisher. This so stupid a position, nothing needs to be added: committing a single major mistake is the one thing that makes her qualified?? And firing Froomkin? That we’re to take as… what? Firing a new media star is a good idea?

Asshole: This guy who believes newspapers offer nothing online justifying charging. He is so wrong. Media have to stop giving stuff away or, for that matter, allowing their stuff to be stolen. Rolling Stone did it partly correct with the Taibbi Goldman Sachs piece: no legal copies available online while the issue was on the newsstands. In a rush to read the piece? Buy the issue. He claims newspapers are worth paying for either. Wrong: They can be extremely efficient packaged compendiums of news, insight, opinion, entertainment and features and services. He also says you can news wherever online. That is true up to a point but it becomes up to the publisher to make a paper or a sight a go-to place. Times journalism is essentially available in one place. Wall Street Journal material: ditto. McClatchy journalism: a few places. Yeah, crap has limited value in this new world but, really, other that guys who’d lose jobs, what else is the downside for losing crap?

Asshole: Ben Stein: There is no excuse for someone with his background to take money for pushing a switch and bait scam like this. On deck: We’ll see what the Times does in response. Hint to Pinch and Steve (because the rulers of Big Jounralism don’t actually follow news or anything): If you fire the fucker, I’m sure cancellations will be capped in the single digits. Or taking a proper stand might attract readers.

Assholes: Everyone who is still in denial about how Prop. 13 destroyed California.

Assholes: [GOP] senators who think people making $350,000.00 and more a year cannot afford a small tax increase. (And this is connection with the health insurance reform which, if it works, may well save the schmucks money in the long run.)

Assholes: The inability to find any links is proof I’m right (although I am anyway): Not a clip to be found of the night that Cronkite got up from his desk to spend nearly half a broadcast explaining Watergate and its importance.

Asshole (second redux): Amazon and the theft of the Orwell books. Wouldn’t the right thing to either get the publisher or Amazon to pay the rights holder whatever they’re entitled to — that is, make the sales proper after the fact — instead of stealing the books back? I’m sure there’s out of pocket costs to the innocent buyers but aren’t they the last people to be inconvenienced? (Yeah, yeah, I know, that’s so old fashioned….)

Did Big Labor have a big win that Big Media, in their water-carrying way, is required to spin as a defeat?

Assholes: All these sick, sick wingnut emailers. Correction: These rightist water-carriers from Big Media outlets are worse.

Assholes: Everyone who claims to find Sotomayor unqualified but has no issue with Clarence Thomas (who, for you young people, was completely unqualified and even unfit and who has yet failed to rise to his responsibility).

Near-assholes: Nevada; two lousy senators and a housing market that’s a huge stinking crater. And Arizona is about as bad.

Assholes: Sarah Palin apologists.

Assholes: Goldman Sachs (and here too):

Here, laugh at this Goldman joke before it comes true.

Assholes: The RNC promotes anti-Semitism hatred of Jews.

Assholes: Anti-public option proponents relying on the CBO’s cost estimate. The thing to keep in mind is that without significant reform, costs will continue to spiral out of control and actual care and coverage will continue to deteriorate. So how do the CBO estimates compare to that?

Assholes: Michael Steele and the scumbags who appointed him:

These assholes coulda been president special appearance by water-carrying simian asshole David Gregory):

Greenwald says goodbye to Cronkite, filling in the missing blanks in the coverage, moreso the current failings of modern journalism. Again, journalism serves the people or it’s irrelevant. The publishers and producers have cast their vote, for irrelevance.

Found! A brief write-up describing how Cronkite gav a big, maybe crucial push to the Watergate story. And P.S., he’s one journo who never gave an sign of being sorry for bringing down a louse of a president. When you have morals, you have morals. Only water-carriers regret.

Asshole: because he is completely dead wrong:

“I think there are a lot of critics who think that [in the run-up to the Iraq War] . . . . if we did not stand up and say this is bogus, and you’re a liar, and why are you doing this, that we didn’t do our job. I respectfully disagree. It’s not our role” — David Gregory, MSNBC, May 28, 2008. [Link.]

(Well, in his defense, David Gregory has clearly achieved great success by being a cunt.)

Who delivers real job growth? First clue: Not the pro-business GOP.

Tom Wilkes, graphic designer supreme, dead.

See: The new Hollywood tragedy. (I don’t care either.)

(Click on the image for more.)
