Tag: Meltdown!

Out of My Mind for 13 August 2009

Picture 33

Killers: The health insurance industry. How else are you going to make obscene profits?

Exposed! The truth about healthcare reform!

Assholes and scumbags: Niall Ferguson and the assholes at the Financial Times who publishes odious shit like this:

President Barack Obama reminds me of Felix the Cat. One of the best-loved cartoon characters of the 1920s, Felix was not only black. He was also very, very lucky. And that pretty much sums up the 44th president of the US …

Of course: FT is foreign so just might not have sufficiently elevated taste so as to recognize how stupidly offensive it is. Then, too, editors don’t really edit very much anymore, by and by, specially for a superstar like Professor Ferguson, who all get a pass until the media shitstorm. As for the writer, Professor F has made his fortune by being able to twist any fact or reality into something the gives support to establishment positions based in fact on utter bullshit. He gives them a false intellectual sheen. Professor K has a review of the column the quote above opens.

Assholes, cretins and traitors: The barbaric imbeciles who use town halls for violence and disruption and the organizations that control them. Again, these people’s contribution to the well being of the American society is, at most, insignificant. In the macroeconomic sense, they barely pay their way, as it were, if at all, so, well, fuck them. They’re proto-fascist, anti-democracy and freedom, and deliberately completely ignorant so who needs them? Doubt me? Here‘s how wilfully stupid and ignorant they are. And they maintain their stupidity and ignorance by rely on assholes like this guy.

What a deal! Buy a Pre and Palm spies on you!

Assholes: The MPAA one-ups the RIAA: They want to punish you without bothering with any legal silliness. A system of law is so 20th century, not at all what’s needed in what the corporatists want this country to be, a banana republic.

Gee, the banks haven’t gotten rid of all them toxic assets. They’ve instead lied about them and ignored them but they’re still there. Watch! The better to re-inflate the speculation bubble which brought the country a golden age of widespread, broadly-distributed, long-term wealth. Not.

Speaking of which, watch this too.

Hey! The wingnuts’ death panels already exist — and the private, capitalist, non-socialist health insurers have them. Watch here!

Douchebag: She didn’t only play one named for herself, she is one.

Why So Happy? Out of My Mind for 12 August 2009

Assholes: Know-nothing pimps of torture.

Mexico: Really, the corruption permeates all levels of its society, doesn’t it? All levels.

What do we have? A statistical recovery?

The world’s greatest healthcare system: The the fee schedules are insane.

Cretins: The wingnuts, in the midst of an economic meltdown caused by an overly free market that cares solely for speculation, worries instead about affordable health insurance that actually covers stuff. The classic fear in a democracy: Ignoramuses riled up by demagogues (and “pundits”).

She’s so presidential…:

Karl Rove: Guilty! (But deep in our hearts, we knew it.)

That waterslide viddie? Faked!

You go, GM! Company’s first real innovation in decades!

What necessity mothers…:

Clearly, people used to have too much free time....
Clearly, people used to have too much free time....

What I’d love for my garage doors….

Wow! Rich drug dealers attract really hot girlfriends!
Wow! Rich drug dealers attract really hot girlfriends!

Watch it Now; Out of My Mind for 31 July 2009

Lucky you; couldn’t do this on Blogger:

Why the Big Media so-called journalism — inanity is a far better word — won’t be missed: This idiocy. Meanwhile, the Big Media hasn’t done their “Infinite Debt” yet. I mean, the debt industry is or should be a huge story and the Big Media are… sucking off the Establishment, doing the nation a disservice.

Go here and do this. Dunno that it will help but surely it can’t hurt.

Gotta love here! Sarah Palin is a serial quitter. And Faux Nooz viewers want her to be a homemaker.

Professor Krugman has the longish version explaining the necessity of the public option. Remember: There’s no reform possible without a public option. No public option means we will be forced to give more money to the private insurers who can deny coverage we pay for with our premiums.

No shit?! Karl Rove was involved in this?? Who woulda thought… (thanks to the water-carriers)….

Query: If Canada’s healthcare system’s so awful, why do Canadians have a greater life expectancy?


Hmmm…. Obama fails, popularity drops.

Amazon sued for stealing a copy of “1984” with student’s school notes incorporated. That’s what it gets for taking the stupid and lazy solution…. (More here.)

Fight the system.

Click on the image to see where they found Jesus now!
Click on the image to see where they found Jesus now!

This is your project for the weekend.

Your dog really wants you to buy him this. (Although for all I know, you know someone who light like it for himself.)

Why we’re in Afghanistan:

Free the music:

Is this the Last Post? Out of My Mind for 27 July 2009

All the negativity is getting to me….

Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night. — Edgar Allan Poe

Dope: This guy thinks the salvation of news papers is to prevent bloggers from copying (“posting”) articles or significant parts of articles. I guess the overwhelming majority of us who make little or no money doing this will somehow find the money to pay the newspapers. Clearly, the proponent is some post-Reagan putz with no comprehension or understanding of reality. Firstly, partial posts or citations sends eyeballs back to the original source. We just gave them more hits for incresed advertising and, God forbid, new readers or viewers. So shithead here thinks we should pay to help the producers’ businesses. Second, much of most articles and stories are rewrite of public events or the public record. There is, at the end of the day, damn little to protect. Last, I still like to think that journalistic outlets, ultimately, must serve the public good. If, as many if not most have been choosing to do, they decide to foresake the public good with their obsession with the bottom lines they’ve weakened, well, then, who needs them (and, yes, as a recent lay-off, I do feel bad for all the lost jobs)? If a paper doesn’t want to contribute to society, I say good riddance. (The link to the article that set me off is here but in view of the would-be savior’s anti-dissemination of information of course I must ask you to ignore it. It’s posted strictly so the curious reader can assuage himself that I’m not making things up.) Yes, by all means let’s further stifle the free exchange of ideas, like Judge Posner recommends in a piece that cannot be parsed because it’s over-writen by a non-expert steeped in ignorance of the subject for which he offers solutions.

Asshole and cretin: Prof. Lester Brickman: Third-rate law school professor, inept law school dean, and apologist for the corporatists, those profit-above-all unaccountable entities and destroyers. But maybe he and his ilk are right; the proof that we are second class citizens after big business lies in the fact that large corporations — the ones so dependent on worms like Brickman — are nearly never punished, let alone significantly for their wrong-doing while, say, a black male citizen can be arrested for trying to get into his home. But tank the global financial system? Less than a slap on the wrist — indeed, receive government handouts to get back to profit-making destruction — thanks to Brickman and his ilk.

We have the greates healthcare system in the world. Click on the image for the truth.

Does it really matter whether Congress is a Dem or GOP majority? The real majority is the do-nothing, greedy-fuck stooges of the 1%ers, our oligarchy’s elite, the corrupters, the destroyers of America. I assure you, the Founding Fathers are whirling like dervishes in their graves.

How to score: Join the GOP!

“Sick” doesn’t begin to describe these people. (“Demented”, or maybe “DeMinted”, is a start.) First, their kids must be taken into custody then the parents shot Tiller-dead.

Assholes: The health insurance industry whores who keep claiming there’s a medical malpractice crisis. (Well, there is — incompetent medical personnel who go unpunished.) As the insurance industry and doctors prattle on about it, there’s no such crisis. The proof is here and here and here and here. Incredibly, I never seen a scintilla of proof that there was or is any such crisis as claimed.

The way of the world....
The way of the world....

(More about that last video is here.)

God knows, my standards are low but I don’t believe this belongs on a news show:

Assholes, cretins and scumbags: The “Blue Dog” Dems. (Again, they’re why it doesn’t matter which party is the majority in Congress. The dysfunctionalism bought by the corrupters moots the issue, makes it irrelevant.

Honestly, looking at this I cannot fathom how the comrades failed in all their endeavors....

Really, it’s All About Anger; Out of My Mind for 26 July 2009


God knows I’m angry (and a little bitter), but I don’t know that I agree with this.

That was then; it’s a new GOP-rightist, nativist world now:

Intellectuals solve problems; geniuses prevent them. — Albert Einstein

Maybe someday again… unlikely….

Assholes: The fighters of health care reform and the Big Media water-carriers who enable and empower them. Without the press, they’re nothing.

Cretin: The true Terminator thought he could govern California. Not with the cancer of Prop. 13 still in the system. But the rightist believer couldn’t see reality. Of course, one should include all the schmucks who voted for Prop. 13 and the governator twice, so I do.

An observation? Can this be true? Only banks that finance the middle class are shut down. Companies — CIT is what I have in mind — that finances small business are allowed to fail. Only the big speculative organizations that have corrupted our system, essentially destroyed our nation politically, are protected. (This is what got me started.)

Study the genius of Sarah Palin.

The criminality of being black: Shows you how times have changed or I’m so dead wrong: Of course, the cop was right to investigate a man breaking into a house. But short of the man seriously threatening the cop physically — harm or death — there is no reason to arrest him. None. There is no reason when in being caught in the wrong showing a little contrition. There is no reason for the support the fucker’s getting from his superiors. To me, all this is inarguably fucked up. The mainstream media seems to see nothing wrong. Indeed, when they deem Obama to be insufficient supportive of this cop (who has earned his ass at least a couple months of unpaid suspension), they beat up on the president. I realize for a large segment of blacks, this is normal. To me, as I said, it’s fucked up. Sick. Part of the Great Pathology brought us by what I think of the Reagan counter-revolution. And here’s why it’s still a crime.

Assholes: The Larry Summers and the putz that appointed him and allow him to ensure that nothing in a busted, screwed up system gets fixed. I realize Obama’s in this strictly for personal gain but being president and all, maybe he could get us a couple of crumbs….

Assholes: The greedy destroyers of the housing market. And this is even worse than that last link.

Why the public sector doesn’t work: GOP fiscal irresponsibility: going for the worse, most expensive solution every time…. In a normal world, everyone would ignore these sick, deranged people who have nothing good to offer.

Just shoot (to wound) these assholes.

Assholes [obvious]: The Big Media journos who fail to give the GOP partisan intransigence any significant coverage. That’s OK, dopes: Keep us in the dark, watch yourselves lose viewers and readers, then watch your careers end. Then, maybe, you’ll realize what you did, that that kind of lousy work earns the loss of a career.

Assholes: The GOP: Love wars, love weapons, hates the troops.

This person is still living in the era before the Reagan Counter-revolution. Then, a healthcare system such as the present one, where the accumulation of wealth is far more important that providing healthcare, would seem bizarre, wrong. Now, it’s the idea of a system that provides affordable care at the expense of profits that seems bizarre.

Assholes: The Times makes a martyr of Tiller’s assassin, cleverly failing to note how he was driven by decades of the rightists’ crazed screeds and that the same insanity ensured there would be as few Tillers as possible, and therefore a threat to women’s health.

Assholes: Big Finances’ government stooges who make it possible for thm to cook their books and dispel lies.

Dope: Charlie Crist, inadvertent Nazi-loving symp.

He’s failed on the economy, jury’s out only on the issue of how big the failure is. If he fails on this too…:

Here, a famous traitor makes a contrary argument:

(Didja catch that?? I was just more fair, more balanced, than Faux News. Hey! What happens to FNC when Rupert’s earnings shrink to the extent that he can’t support Faux and it must become profitable?)

Asshole and scumbag: David Gregory: the latest proof. For the record, he is both symptomatic of what’s wrong with the mainstream press as well as the anti-Cronkite. That’s why there’ll never be another Cronkite: Gregory and those who put him positions of authority won’t do it. They’ve proven they like Gregory’s dishonesty over Cronkite’s facts.

Cretins: See just the latest one here.

Asshole and scumbag I’ve never written about but should have, I suppose: Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.).

Attention, Lady Gaga: call Jackson Browne:

For those of who still can’t contemplate how screwed upon things are, the inexcuseable reason the global economy was tanked, start here.

Sad: India’s going to bust monkeys and jail them.

Speaking of monkeys, watch these.

Thank God for the Apple stores; without them, what would Micro$oft rip off for their temples of crap? See Micro$oft’s utter bankruptcy of any originality here.

Because I love Nikke:

Ooops! That last video was probably faked!

The Rage Still Burns; Out of My Mind for 16 July 2009

Stupid: Thinking (or believing) that this is leadership. It isn't.

Assholes: Boulder, Colorado.

Assholes: China’s treatment for internet addiction was electroshock. Clearly, this is why the iPhone’s coming to the PRC sans WiFi. (Hey, PRC, 3G is almost as good and far more available, so web access is why you want your phones without WiFi, you’re idiots!)

Assholes: This company who used a photo of murdered newlyweds for promotional uses. For businesses, the ends always justify the means. Businesses are at least amoral, Steve Forbes to the contrary. (He thinks one of the great things about capitalism is the freedom that attends it like in Singapore, South Korea and banana republics. Then again, Forbes is proven stupid, having been dumb enough to try to be a pol.)

Assholes: Another business that requires blatant, deliberate, knowing lies for promotion.

Another shithole we allow to remain a shithole (more here):

You knew that Wall Street wasn’t really all that rational unless following the herd right or wrong is some form of rational.

Assholes: Sarah Palin and all her whiny-ass, stupid supporters. Again, even by low pol standards, she’s dumb and extreme and inconsistent.

Asshole: Still Sarah.

Assholes: Jeff Sessions and the Big Media dopes who cover for him.

Assholes: All those Big Media journos who don’t understand that their job is to investigate and report, not be water-carriers.

Ooh, just got last year’s iPhone 3G and I’m ecstatic!

Query: Doesn’t putting Micro$oft stores near Apple stores makes Apple products look all that much better, what being seen next to crap and all?

Assholes: Indian tiger sanctuaries that get rid of all their tigers.

Assholes: The people who turn these people into dopes.

Find mortgage info here (and at the adjacent video).

Cupholders for rifles.

The world’s oldest known tat?

Today’s arts and crafts: make art from Starbuck’s garbage.

No comment, check it out for yourself.

And for people with too much time on their hands and/or too obsessive….

How synchronicitic; I had just had a craving to watch “Thunderball” again (although the book, silly as it is, is a little better, specially the beginning):

Happy Birthday, Blogger-Mama! Out of My Mind for 14 June 2009

bush so long(Please note that there is no connection between today’s headline and the following sub-heads. Thank you.)

Asshole: Ricci, the poster boy for the discriminated against white mail got his job in the first place by claiming discrimination for not being hired because he was disabled.

Assholes: The WaPo fires all its health reporters, keeps health editor, who buys articles from other places to republish. So who needs a newspaper for B.S. like that?

Assholes: Beloved Leader’s Unamerican surveillance program was so top secret that it’s value was significantly compromised. Way to go, Bushies!

Assholes: The U.K.’s war against freedom.

Assholes: The Saudis. Any of them, all of them. I hate the Republicans’ submissive love of them. Let the get GOP be their submissives.

Uber Asshole: Sen. Jeff Sessions. Clearly, he has nothing positive to contribute to society. It’s time for him to go or, for that matter, “go”, in a Bill O’Reilly on Vitter sense. Just saying, interpret it as you will….

Assholes: Glenn Beck and the idiots and retards who watch him and believe in him.

Asshole: This Christofascist praying for Obama’s death.

Assholes: GOP racists. New flash for the GOP: America is now integrated and there are, no thanks to you, equal rights for all.

Assholes: Michael Jackson’s doctors. Celebrity doctors — hate ’em. (Where’s the reality show??)

Asshole: Wells Fargo.

Historical fact: Thomas Jefferson was the last cool Republican except, of course, for Abraham Lincoln. (Actually, Tommy was a proto-Republican.)

Our leadership:

Then again, I suppose we can have this in 2012.

The greatest music video you will see right now, maybe all day:

This is cool!

You know fairs are cool! (More here!)

Patois from around the world.


To me, this is scary!

Leadership We Need, and Hope; Out of My Mind for 10 July

Beloved Leader couldn't have done this any better....

As Big Journalism implodes and collapses and stuff, here’s one asshole who deserves — well, as one of the terminated, it’s hard for me to say fired — let’s just say he’s well qualified to seek a new profession as journalism is clearly wrong for him, given his utter lack of perspective and ability to perceive and acknowledge reality.

What do you think? Don’t you think plagiarism is deliberate or results from some form of imbecility, neither of which is appropriate a professional, legitimate journalist? I mean, how the hell do you copy something unconsciously?

Whoa, it’s Jayson Blair time at the Times again!

By all means, let’s worry about closeted gays serving in the military, not America-hating Nazis (or, for that matter, Christofascist proselytizers).

Unrest in China: what it’s about.

Are we dead in the water, with no future?

You don’t get published via Kindle; you give Amazon all your rights for your work to be available on a Kindle. Sweet! Not.

GOP family values: Getting your parents to pay off your mistress.

Palin lies. (More here and here.) Yeah, yeah, what else is new?

Palin’s enablers. (Remember, the whole GOP loves her, don’tcha know.)

Levi: Greed, not insanity, made Palin a quitter.

IT departments of small amd mid-sized businesses are interested in Macs and iPhones. I see it as cost-cutting in the IT industry created by the shitty difficulty of maintaining windows systems. Ditching one IT guy can save far more than the expense of switching to Macs and iPhones (which we know works wonderfully with Macs).

Too big to fail, now too big to jail.

A single GM car outsells Buick and Caddy!

Another teeny piece of my past, gone….

Read: The autobiography of Professor Krugman’s favorite science fiction writer.

The comic book of the day is here. (More here.) Another funny book is here. Remember, kids, these are good for you! (Well, at least the second is….)

I can’t afford to eat here anyway.

Picture 30

Exclusive Message from Sarah Palin; Out of My Mind for 9 July 2009

Sarah says: "Read this blog every day and tell all your friends, relatives, and enemies to read it daily too or I will blow my brains out!"

Grab this then thank me. And your Big Government.

2010 Vancouver Olympics fascism: Read about it here.

Essential reading: Obama; Less than Hoover (I said it first, this guy lays it all out). It’s the July 2009 Harper’s cover story. Can’t find a public link to it yet but here’s a taste. And a little Obama porn is here for the believers. (And again, I apologize for besmirching Hoover by comparing Obama to him. Obama clearly falls short of Hoover. And Obama has the benefit of the lessons of the Depression, which Hoover did not have.)

Dallas police chief to Beloved Leader: Drop dead.

Professor Krugman wonders how Big Media journos decide to fuck up. Sadly, he has no answers, just the question. Of course, maybe the Times’ ombudsman would at least like to answer address the question.

Joke: 60 Dems in Senate actually means anything more than 60 Dems in Senate. Specially with a president who refuses to lead them.

Another thing that amazes me: How people fail to comprehend just how totally and deeply screwed up nuts some pols are. Sarah is not the only pathological leader out there in the wild….

Another loser for Obama: an anti-science scientist.

Obama’s true agenda: Get rich for screwing the middle class. Even Hoover didn’t do that.

Steve Jobs’ secret ingredient is revealed here.

The economy is about to get much worse. The second phase of the housing meltdown is starting….

But Big Banks are doing okay. They cook their books to make all the bad stuff disappear and they steal from us.

Sad: Ex-Met Lenny Dykstra manages (pun intended) to get $31 million in debt, files for bankruptcy. Least I can do is embarrass him. I’d rather see him hung but only Bill O’Reilly can do and get away with stuff like that.

More GOP family values!

I have no issue with the Iran election. I do have a problem with post-election brutality:

What a line of shit! Clinton out b.s.’s Obama!

Rice paddy crop art.

(More like those last two are here.)

Admit it: You know Miley and her creepy dad in a remake of "Lolita" would rock more than you can imagine.

Even More Out of My Mind for 8 July 2009

Let’s try (plug) Firefox and see if we managed not to have posts get eated by… WordPress has no explanation….

What I neither quite understand but amazes me too: People can’t or refuse to get their minds around the idea that just maybe Sarah Palin is quite stupid and/or (more or less) borderline insane. Or, for equal time, that Obama is simply totally dishonest, that he has no interest in actually accomplishing anything of note, that by and by he is simply continuing Beloved Leader’s failed policies with a slicker (or maybe just more liberal-friendly) line of shit. Consider this: is he really significantly better than the pre-Palin John McCain? Given the good will and popularity with which he took office, it is, at risk of understatement, an utter shame. And we re-elect the fucker, shame on us. (Yeah, yeah, I know, the GOP is all out of centrist alternatives to Brother Barack.)

Another policy of Beloved Leader’s Obama likes: Keeping acquitted detainees imprisoned.

Wow! The Times just discovered that the health reform bill is actually the private insurers windfall bill! “All the old news you’ve heard already that’s fit to print….”

GOP idiot: Michael Steele. (Yeah, yeah, an organization whose head is brainless…. But what des one expect from a parody?)

The Just Say “No” generation: They said “No” then did their dope. What else would one expect from the children of Raygun other than good old GOP hypocrisy?

Let’s watch a little good old American nativism:

It can’t(?) happen here:

Anyone care about about one more demon who brought on the financial crisis or can we focus now on the clear need and imperative for structural reform?

Modern leadership: attract whores, do nothing for your people. IThis is Berlusconi's current ho.)

Michael Jackson: Another opinion a sort of dissent.

iPhone app of the day: Smash the $treet.

(More about that last video is here.)

Of course I condone this image. (Click on it for the story.)
Ditto, I'm sure.

Likewise, I guess.