Day: August 3, 2008

A Belated Farewell To Jesse HelmsWasjustwaitingfortherightobit…

Was just waiting for the right obit…. Our church came through:

Friends when it comes to hating all the same folks God does, no one — outside this room — came close to the Late, Great Jesse Helms, a fine senator from one of those Carolinas.  We are here today tocelebrate the life of a real Christian hero.  When Jesus takes a servant of His home on the 4th of July, a holiday more important to the Lord than His own birthday, it means that person was very special to Heaven. God is telling us that Senator Helms is His idea of a True American™.

Much like George W. Bush, Jesse Helms was a politician from the inspirational George Wallace School of Trash-Talking the Powerless.  In Alabama, back in the ‘60s and ‘70s, Wallace learned the nuances of winning elections by serving his constituents’ so-called “bigotry” rather than their interests.  It’s easy to get the rich white vote!  You just give us and the corporations we own all the subsidies and tax breaks, while making the law free of pesky environmental and sissy safety regulations.  Of course, someone has to pay for all of this, and that’s the poor white folks (you know, the people who supervise our even-poorer help).  Since these folks are getting squeezed harder than a 400-pound Negress flying in the middle seat in coach, George Wallace came up with a nifty gimmick to trick these gullible fools into electing someone who will do absolutely nothing for them when he gets into office!  The secret?  You get their vote by creating an enemy they will loathe.  Then, promise to go after that enemy. For Wallace, the enemy was everyone’s favorite: colored folks. Friends, he used the “n” word more often than many of us in this room, andblocked the entrance to the University of Alabama to prevent some colored kids from contaminating the school’s shower facilities until he was removed by the activist National Guard.  This got him almost all the poor white vote, and with the lowest property taxes in America, the rich white vote was a cinch. 

For our President Dubya, the enemy has been, at different times, (1) Osama Hussein (or is that Saddam bin Laden?  Toe-mae-toe, toe-mah-toe), which later morphed into the not so easy to identify (and, therefore, not so easy to blame for not catching) “Al Qaeda,” sort of a catchall for anything scary with facial hair and (2) Adam and Steve, a mythological pair of prancing homos that camped it up as they gentrified Eden.  Forgive what I understand may be coarse vernacular, friends, but as my hell-bound Jewish securities lawyer is fond of saying, the financially vulnerable will tolerate getting “screwed” so long as the government prevents the same from occurring between two penised persons.  Alas, one George didn’t keep those Negroids out of Tuscaloosa forever, and the other George never found Osama, but just the promise to try was enough to get the rednecks and white trash crowd to vote for them. 

No one understood all of this better than Jesse Helms.  Jesse got his start in 1950 working for Senate candidate Willis Smith, a man who recognized the importance of races knowing their place.  Jesse helped Smith win the Senate by doctoring a photograph of his opponent’s wife so that it appeared she was dancing with a black man, and we all know where that leads!  Jesse was elected to the Senate, himself, in 1972 on his relentless platform of attacking Negroes.  But Jesse wasn’t unfairly singling out coloreds for his disgust and derision.  Among the group of people for whom he expressed abject hatred, he generously included gays, liberals, socialists and anyone non-American.   

As such, Jesse was a man after our own hearts.  He opposed any increase in the minimum wage (which would just make poor people even more uppity), opposed any spending on the so-called “arts” (which is just another word for “smut”), opposed compensation of Japanese-Americans who were imprisoned during World War II (which was their own fault for being born Japanese in the first place), opposed naming a holiday after Communist, Martin Luther King, Jr., opposed all laws protecting gays and lesbians from violence (based on God’s edict in the Book of Leviticus) and fully supported apartheid in South Africa.  He even opposed the Civil Rights Act, insisting that North Carolina be exempted from any law against discrimination.  Congress overwhelmingly voted him down on this effort, further establishing his present status as a Christian martyr.

 Jesse didn’t mince words.  He was once accused of being a caveman.  He angrily responded: “I’m a conservative progressive, and that means I think all men are equal, whether they be slants, beaners or niggers.   After graciously complimenting the overly pigmented by noting that they “have a natural instinct for rhythm and for singing and dancing,” Jesse warned the coloreds: “The Negro cannot count forever on the kind of restraint that’s thus far left him free to clog the streets, disrupt traffic, and otherwise interfere with men’s rights.  Jesse, ever the scientist, completely dispelled the notion that AIDS can be transmitted by intravenous drug use or heterosexual acts when he observed: “If homosexuals would stop what they’re doing, there wouldn’t be any more AIDS.

 As we all know, the acorn doesn’t fall far from the tree.  Once, Jesse’s dad, a policeman, stopped some uppity black wench from protesting some so-called injustice.  When she continued her silly rants, he smashed her with his huge fists, then dragged her off to jail, with her dress pulled up over her head, as the caveman used to do with his sexual prey.  She screamed in pain as the concrete tore away her skin, but he continued his trek, unabated.  Jesse continued that tradition of putting folks in their place with his time in the Senate.  Perhaps his greatest legacy of all is the fact that his hatred never escaped him.  He hated those who weren’t white, upper-income, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant heterosexuals up until the day he died.  He never “repented,” in fear that some of Jesus’ carelessly phrased New Testament proclamations might trump the Old Testament words upon which the senator had based his entire life. Friends, Jesse Helms passed away on Independence Day, with a soul as clean as a 1950’s drinking fountain.

What Kids Want To Know About Obama [NSFW — Or Kids!]

From this blog’s official church:


“Does every Christian family move to Canada if Obama is elected, or is it just everyone on my Daddy’s side?” – Henrietta Rutherford, Age 11, Lynchburg Christian Academy

“Is Obama really gonna make momma get an abortion? I wanted a little brother and she promised to make one for me!”  – Mark Ingram, Age 5, Home Schooled

“How is my daddy going to get his money for retirement if Obama is going to take it all and give it to the Negroes?”  – Jenny Yolinda, Age 10, Landover Baptist Christian Academy for the Saved

“Does Obama have an extra bone in his ankle that makes him jump higher when he plays basketball?” – Nancy Hodge, Age 11, Lynchburg Christian Academy

“What’s a half-breeded nappity headed negroid comanist snoffabeach?”  Gillian Thomas, Age 5, Home Schooled

“Are all the people who don’t vote for John McCain really going to burn in hell and be hiney-sized by demons?  Grandma says it is absolutely true!  She says that Pastor Lon Solomon, who is a messianical Jewish is just afraid to say it out loud because he’d lose his gold tithers.  Grandma is the best Christian I ever knew!   – Scott Prendergast Jr., Age 11, McLean Bible School, McLean Virginia

“Is the Obama going to send the rappers to get my mommy?  – Brian Wind, Age 10, Liberty University Advanced Children’s Christian Center for Learning

“I’m saving myslef for maragie, Is Obama going to make me have sex with my girlfriend and smoke marniguana and cigarittes before I’m old enough?   – Jonathan Westfalls, Age 45, Liberty University School of Life Long Learning

“I’m so scared of Obama! Is that dirty dark monster still outside of my bathroom window, watching me tinkle? Is he going to bite my head off and feed it to the Puff Daddy like Momma says?”  – Jack Harper, Age 7, Landover Baptist Christian Academy for the Saved

“How comes a colored person is allowed to be a President?” – Sally Fisher, Age 17 Landover Baptist High School For the Saved

“What’s a Vagina? My Creation Science Teacher, Edna Mae, says Obama will make her teach students about them and spray hers on everyone in class or else she might lose her credidations.”  – Willy Higgins, Age 7, Landover Baptist Junior Academy for the

“If Obama gets elected, is he going to kill all the white people or make them slaveries?”  – Henry Clark, Age 14, Lynchburg Christian Academy

“Will Obama make my Daddy pay Monique more money to clean my bedroom? And can I still boss her around my bathroom alot? She’s so funny looking! I like it when she always says to me, “yes ‘ma’am!”  – Alison Hahan, Age 17, Landover Baptist Creation Research Academy

“If Obama gets elected, is there gonna be more Negroes everywhere? Even on my lacrosse team! And in my tree-fort!?” – Hank Funkhouser, Age 11, Freehold Iowa Christian Academy

“Momma says June Gordon is voting for Obama because he has a giant penis and she likes getting rapped by Negroes.  Why is a hore like that beach still allowed in our church?”  – Billy Spofford, Age 11, Landover Baptist Junior Academy for the Saved

“Does Obama think my daddy makes too much money?  Is Obama gonna give daddy’s money to Mr. Cecil so he can buy cracked cains?  Mom says Obama wants to make her stamp her food, why??? – Nancy Hodge, Age 11, Lynchburg Christian Academy

“Dad’s being saying this word lots when he reads about the Obama, so how is a Neeg rahr look? It sounds scary! Is it like a lion?”  – Amy Coltin, Age 4, Landover Baptist Pre-School for the Saved.

“My daddy made my sister move away cause said she is voting for Obama. Is she going to be okay? He hit her in the head with the Bible.  I am not allowed to help her because Daddy said she is no better than a Mexican and there ain’t no Mexicans in this Christian family.” – Cheryl Longwood, Age 14, Lynchburg Christian Academy at Thomas Road Baptist Church

“If Obama gets elected, will the coloreds move to our neighborhood?”  – Timothy Jenkins, Age 9, Landover Baptist Elementary School for the Saved

“Is Rushian Limbargh gonna get Christians to stop Obama before he gets to the Whites Ony House and takes controls of the social securities?” – NTodd Brewer, Age 7, Lynchburg Christian Pre-School Academy

“Why does daddy cuss so much when Obama is on TV?”  – Benjamin Talkins, Age 8, Lynchburg Christian Academy

Man Of The People — With $520.00 Shoes

If I were a right-wing blogger, and I found out that Barack Obama was wearing Ferragamo loafers that cost $520, I would spend about 50% of my waking hours making sure everyone knew this. I would mock him for being an out-of-touch elitist and make jokes like, “If you think that’s a lot, you should see how much his purse costs ” I would send the link to Drudge and wait for Instapundit to pick it up, and then watch gleefully as Fox News ran segments about how Barack Obama’s $500 loafers vitiate his entire economic platform.

But of course, I’m not a right-wing blogger. And the $520 shoesbelong to John McCain. And frankly, I don’t think how much his shoes cost matters one whit for how he’d govern the country.


What’s Bothering President McCain

Via Atrios:

CAFFERTY: I’d be willing to make you a bet. If you added up all of the people who have attended every political event John McCain has held since the campaign started, the number would not get to 200,000, which is the number of people that watched Barack Obama speak in Berlin.

That ad that he put out is nothing more than the same jealousy he displayed last week when Obama was on this tour. McCain went to Canada, Mexico and Colombia. And the only thing I remember about any of those three trips or visits was some hostages got released one day while he was in Colombia. It had nothing to do with McCain being there.

So, you know, Obama is getting a lot of attention and McCain doesn’t like it. It’s jealousy.

Straight Talk — Not


My favorite part of the 2008 presidential campaign is watching normally sentient reporters tell me how John McCain is either reticent about talking about his POW experience, or ambivalent, or reluctant, or one of about a hundred other adjectives meant to tell me he doesn’t talk about it very much and doesn’t like doing so.

Five years as a POW involved a kind of suffering and terror I think very few of us can even comprehend. McCain has every right to talk about it constantly. But let’s get real. He does talk about it constantly.

Where to start? Probably half of John McCain’s ads contain photographs of either his time as a POW or his home-coming from Vietnam POW captivity. (That says quite a lot.) Those that don’t refer to it explicitly refer to it implicitly by referencing sacrifice, heroism, etc. He and his campaign frequently talk about his days as a POW. The candidate frequently makes pseudo-self-deprecating jokes in campaign appearances about his time as a POW.

Beside his 2000 presidential run, it’s been a very long time since McCain was in a competitive election race. And it’s not too much to say that McCain’s POW status — both in explicit telling and in implicit references — is the dominant theme of his entire campaign.

I understand why the campaign pushes this line: having McCain being ‘reluctant’ to talk about his heroism but then be a hero twice over by overcoming his reluctance to share the story with us is the ultimate spin twofer. But for the reporters, please don’t treat us like we have the intelligence of field mice by trying to dump this nonsense on us.

More here.