It Only Looks Like I’m Angry; Out of My Mind for 17 July 2009

“Do not be wise in words – be wise in deeds.” — Jewish Proverb

(More re the above here.)

Assholes: Sotomayor’s GOP questioners.

Asshole: Jeff Sessions, still.

Assholes? GE claims to go green by releasing a suite of devices to monitor energy usage. As I see this, it means, I buy more crap using more energy to see how much energy I’m using. There’s real equipment that really reduces sage, but I don’t this crap as being that. It is a typical corporatist “solution”: solution in name only in order to be a profits generator and do absolutely no more good than that. Me, I’d slap solar panels or a wind turbine on my roof before I’d buy crap like this and know I’m reducing non-renewable usage significantly.

Assholes: The growing police state that is the U.K. (bet they wish they had a constitution and bill of rights now, maybe) and the lazy dopes citizens who allow it.

Assholes: Two more vile rightists identified here.

Asshole: Amazon; sells book, steals it back when publisher whines.

Asshole: The RIAA. Old news, latest is here.

Economic policy; the super-short version. Just read it.

The N.Y.P.D. updates to typewriters.

One of the first truths I learned (as opposed to the overwhelming majority of truths I’ve yet to learn or internalize) was that many academic superstars were not-terribly bright grinds. And now it looks like a number of them are just autistic (which isn’t to say they shouldn’t be loved or that they’re worthless). Flash: Academic stars without social skills won’t do the world as much good as dopes with skills. The best it can get you is the mixed blessing of Windows.

Soon-to-be ex-Gov. Sarah Palin, did you cause this?

Prof. Krugman is wrong about this because the Big Media has not yet gotten the message.

An Apple fanboy, choked up….

Recipe of the day: Put your day-long parked vehicle to good use, take advantage of it to save energy and come out from the office to a yummy fresh treat.

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